Page 30 - Oct Nov 2017
P. 30

Elite Investigative Journal
        NFL Players Kneeling During National Anthem: How Colin Kaepernick Started a Movement and Why,  pg 30-36
        ©2014-2017  SYT Global, Inc.
             NFL Players Kneeling During                                                                                P

              National Anthem: How Colin

                      Kaepernick Started a

                        Movement and Why
                                 By Lauren Cook

                                                                                         Photo Courtesy of  B
        The NFL won’t be chang-              Goodell told reporters he            president called any player           R
        ing its policy on play-              had discussed “the issues            who kneeled during the                U

        ers standing during the              that our players have been  national anthem a “son                         T
        national anthem, despite             trying to bring attention            of a b----” and said they             A

        repeated calls to do so by           to. About issues in our              should be fired.                      L
        President Donald Trump               communities to make our                                                    I
        over the past few weeks,             communities better.”                 Outraged by the presi-                T

        Commissioner Roger                   Trump responded Wednes- dent’s rhetoric, many NFL                          Y
        Goodell said Wednesday.              day morning, calling the             players took a knee during

        Current league policy                kneeling protest “disre-             the singing of the national
        states that players are              spectful.”                           anthem at games the fol-
        encouraged to stand dur-                                                  lowing Sunday, while oth-

        ing the song, but are not            “The NFL has decided                 ers stayed in locker rooms
        required to do so.                   that it will not force play-         or linked arms with their

                                             ers to stand for the playing  teammates in a show of
        The decision came after a  of our National Anthem.                        solidarity.
        two-day meeting of team              Total disrespect for our

        owners and players and               great country!” he wrote             In the ensuing days,
        their union’s leaders in             ahead of the official an-            Trump defended his ini-

        Manhattan, and just hours  nouncement by Goodell.                         tial statement, supported
        after Trump angrily tweet- Trump’s feud with the                          a boycott of the NFL and
        ed about the issue.                  NFL began on Sept. 22                called on the league to

        Following the first day              during a political rally             outright ban kneeling dur-
        of meetings on Tuesday,              in Alabama, where the                ing the national anthem.

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