Page 32 - Oct Nov 2017
P. 32

NFL Players Kneeling During National Anthem: How Colin Kaepernick Started a Movement and Why

        “We chose to kneel be-               and others spoke out in              to speak out in protest,”

        cause it’s a respectful ges- support of his message,                      he wrote. Kaepernick’s
        ture. I remember thinking  Kaepernick was crowned                         kneeling had further polar-
        our posture was like a flag  the least liked player in                    ized a league that holds

        flown at half-mast to mark  the league in a survey                        strong team allegiances.              P
        a tragedy,” Reid wrote in            by E-Poll Marketing Re-              While those who dis-                  O

        the Times op-ed.                     search released in Septem- agreed with the protest                         L
        Backlash against Kaeper-             ber 2016, ESPN reported.             burned the quarterback’s              I
        nick as more NFL players  Reid had lamented in the                        jersey and professed to               C

        join protest                         Times that the protest               boycott the NFL, others               E
                                             touched off by Kaepernick  shouted words of encour-

        Following that first Aug.            was – and still is – mis-            agement from the side-                B
        26, 2016, game                                                                                                  R
        when people took                                                                                                U

        notice of Kaepe-                                                                                                T
        rnick sitting, the                                                                                              A

        49ers and the NFL                                                                                               L
        issued statements,                                                                                              I
        both of which ac-                                                                                               T

        knowledged that                                                                                                 Y
        NFL players had a

        choice on whether
        to participate in                                                                 Photo Courtesy of
        standing for the national            construed as disrespectful  lines and on social media.

        anthem.                              to the flag, military veter-
                                             ans and the country as a             Kaepernick ended the

        “Players are encouraged              whole.                               season by opting out of his
        but not required to stand                                                 contract with the 49ers.
        during the playing of the            “It has always been my               He remains unsigned by

        national anthem,” the NFL  understanding that the                         another team, even as
        had said in a statement.             brave men and women                  injuries to other quarter-

        But the backlash from                who fought and died for              backs created job open-
        the American public was              our country did so to en-            ings. On Oct. 15, 2017,
        swift. Even as more play-            sure that we could live              Kaepernick filed a griev-

        ers joined in kneeling               in a fair and free society,          ance against the NFL,
        during the national anthem  which includes the right                      accusing the league’s 32

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