Page 33 - Oct Nov 2017
P. 33
NFL Players Kneeling During National Anthem: How Colin Kaepernick Started a Movement and Why
owners of collusion. He file his grievance. said in reference to the
retained attorney Mark kneeling protest.
Geragos to represent him. “Colin Kaepernick’s goal The remark drew immedi-
has always been, and re- ate criticism from mem-
P Kaepernick said his agent mains, to simply be treat- bers of the NFL, as well as
O reached out to all 32 teams ed fairly by the league he other politicians, celebri-
L to make sure they were performed at the highest ties and activists.
I aware of his interest in level for and to return to Goodell said Trump’s
C playing this season. the football playing field.” comments revealed an
E “This was done only af- Reid said he believes the “unfortunate lack of re-
ter pursuing every pos- reason Kaepernick re- spect” for the league and
B sible avenue with all mains unsigned is due to its players.
R NFL teams and their ex- his politics, while oth-
U ecutives,” Geragos said. ers argue he’s not good “Divisive comments like
T “If the NFL (as well as enough.Trump thrusts these demonstrate an un-
A all professional sports taking a knee into national fortunate lack of respect
L leagues) is to remain a spotlight again for the NFL, our great
I meritocracy, then princi- While some NFL players game and all of our play-
T pled and peaceful political continued to kneel dur- ers, and a failure to under-
Y protests -- which the own- ing the NFL preseason in stand the overwhelming
ers themselves made great 2017, their actions had force for good our clubs
theater imitating weeks gone largely ignored by and players represent
ago -- should not be pun- most media outlets that in our communities,”
ished and athletes should don’t already heavily Goodell said in a state-
not be denied employment cover sports – that is, until ment released on Sept. 23.
based on partisan political Trump spoke up. The union representing
provocation by the Execu- On Sept. 22, while speak- professional football play-
tive Branch of our govern- ing at a political rally in ers also rejected Trump’s
ment. Such a precedent Alabama, Trump told the comment, saying it would
threatens all patriotic crowd he believed that defend their right to free-
Americans and harkens NFL players who kneel dom of expression.
back to our darkest days during the national anthem “This union will never
as a nation. Protecting all should be fired. back down when it comes
athletes from such collu- “Get that son of a b---- off to protecting the constitu-
sive conduct is what com- the field right now. Out! tional rights of our play-
pelled Mr. Kaepernick to He’s fired,” Trump had ers as citizens,” tweeted