Page 36 - Oct Nov 2017
P. 36

NFL Players Kneeling During National Anthem: How Colin Kaepernick Started a Movement and Why
        away from political dis-             Trump tweeted on Sept.               nel to Puerto Rico in the

        course on myriad topics,             25. “...owed to Wall Street  immediate aftermath of
        including a new travel               and the banks which,                 the storm – announced
        ban, health care and tax             sadly, must be dealt with.           Wednesday that additional

        reform, and the devasta-             Food, water and medical              emergency management
        tion in Puerto Rico in the           are top priorities - and do-         experts and FDNY mem-

        aftermath of Hurricane               ing well. #FEMA”                     bers would be deployed to
        Maria. Caught off guard              Trump insisted to report-            the area, bringing the total
        by the severity of Hur-              ers on Sept. 26 that he was  number of city workers on

        ricane Maria’s damage to             not preoccupied with the             the ground to 147.
        the U.S. island territory,           NFL controversy and that

        Trump did not focus on               he could multi-task. He              The White House, mean-
        the storm for days. Trump  visited Puerto Rico the                        while, stepped up its ef-
        came under fire after he             following week.                      forts to show Trump in

        tweeted more than a dozen                                                 charge of the crisis, orga-
        times about the NFL while  But with the territory’s 3.4  nizing a meeting of major

        only posting a series of             million people struggling            Cabinet officials to go
        three connected tweets               to get food, water, power            over the federal response
        about Puerto Rico in the             and shelter, Democratic              to Puerto Rico. An of-

        same amount of time.                 leaders in Congress and              ficial photo of the meet-
        “Texas & Florida are do              some Puerto Rico resi-               ing in the Situation Room

        ing great but Puerto Rico,  dents, who are U.S. citi-                     showed Trump at the head
        which was already suf-               zens, accused the Trump              of a long table, getting
        fering from broken infra-            administration of being              briefed on the crisis.

        structure & massive debt,            more sluggish in its re-
        is in deep trouble...It’s            sponse than to disasters on  With Reuters: contact

        old electrical grid, which           the U.S. mainland.                   Lauren Cook at lauren.
        was in terrible shape, was  Mayor Bill de Blasio –              
        devastated. Much of the              who sent a task force of

        Island was destroyed,                specially trained NYPD,
        with billions of dollars...”  FDNY and EMS person-

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