Page 40 - Oct Nov 2017
P. 40

The Racial Divide

        feel as a race war. What             that even though in many             of African Americans but

        little opportunities there           respects the country is              for all human beings no
        have been so few African             somewhat more attuned to  matter their color, race, or
        Americans are able to                racial equality like deseg-          religion.

        move from urban areas                regating public schools,                                                   P
        to middle class suburbia.            this country still has an            Sadly, though much of                 O

        What this translates is the  awful lot more to do to                      what Dr. King started has             L
        fact that our political sys-         achieve racial equality,             withered and died on the              I
        tem is largely composed              equal opportunities, equal  vine of so many lost op-                       C

        of white political power.            treatment for all African            portunities that have been            E
        A power base that has no             Americans and for every              a result of government

        realization of what they             other ethnic group across            policies. Government poli-            B
        have done and continue to  the country.                                   cies that have only created           R
        do with the legislation that                                              the largest income dispar-            U

        has been passed over 40              We must go back to 1957              ity gap in the history of             T
        years.                               when in Little Rock                  this nation. When we look             A

                                             Arkansas and in Mont-                at wage disparity it clearly          L
        When we look back to the  gomery Alabama latter                           confirms the harsh reality            I
        early 1960’s the United              exemplifies the fact that            facing not only African               T

        States was at the pinnacle  through acts by nine Afri-                    Americans but he majority             Y
        of economic growth but,              can American high school  of the whole population

        lying underneath this fa-            students and Rosa Parks              in the entire country. In
        çade of economic prosper- sparked a national aware-                       2010, the average white
        ity racial tensions were             ness of racial inequality            household had almost 40

        already bringing a national  and the lack of support for  times as much total wealth
        awareness that there re-             equal rights and treatment  as the average African-

        ally was racial inequality           for all African Americans.  American household, and
        still running rampant in             What followed was a na-              more than 70 times as
        the laws and segregation             tional movement lead by              much wealth as the aver-

        policies that have ex-               Reverend Martin Luther               age Latino household.
        isted for over one hundred  King to rid this nation of

        years. Racial inequality             the injustices and abomi-            Since 2010 the figures
        has been and is continu-             nable treatment of African  have only gotten worse for
        ing to disrupt the moral             Americans. Not only was              African Americans and the

        conscious of the United              Dr. King brining atten-              rest of the population.
        States. The hard reality is          tion on the mistreatment             The facts today indicate

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