Page 44 - Oct Nov 2017
P. 44

What The Fire Service Can Teach Us About The Use of Force,

        identification and registra- * Chemical. Officers may                     Lethal force:

        tion.”                               use chemical sprays or
                                             projectiles embedded with  * Officers use lethal weap-
        * Officers may increase              chemicals to restrain an             ons to gain control of a

        their volume and shorten             individual (e.g., pepper             situation. Should only be
        commands in an attempt               spray).                              used if a suspect poses a

        to gain compliance. Short                                                 serious threat to the officer
        commands might include               * Conducted Energy De-               or another individual.
        “Stop,” or “Don’t move.”

        Empty hand control:

        * Officer uses bodily force
        to gain control of a situa-


        * Soft technique: Officers
        use grabs, holds and joint
        locks to restrain an indi-


        * Hard technique: Officers
        use punches and kicks to
        restrain an individual.

        Less than lethal:

        * Officers use less than
        lethal technologies to gain  vices (CEDs). Officers                       * Officers use deadly

        control of a situation.              may use CEDs to immo-                weapons such as firearms
                                             bilize an individual. CEDs  to stop an individual’s ac-

        * Blunt impact. Officers             discharge a high-voltage,            tions.
        may use a baton or projec- low-amperage jolt of elec-
        tile to immobilize a com-            tricity at a distance (i.e.          The fire service has a of

        bative person.                       Tasers).                             set of rules of engage-
                                                                                  ment in how they operate

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