Page 47 - Oct Nov 2017
P. 47
What The Fire Service Can Teach Us About The Use of Force,
This quote was made by ficers becoming the first We want to train to pro-
an unknown person who true responders on their tect our lives and the lives
truly believed in training respective sites and having of others so our ghosts
when others may have to take immediate action will not be the one quoted
P thought it was a waste of to save lives. Training is above.
O time or didn’t take it seri- very important if we want
L ously enough to merit its to keep the number of use The common thread with-
I own philosophy. Consid- of force incidents as low in public safety and pri-
C ering that the fire service as possible. There can be vate security is the ability
E just recently adopted the no more excuses. None. to learn from each other.
concept of Below 50, Each branch of emer-
B which has been part of While we talk a lot about gency responders may call
R security profession for a law enforcement, fire and their tactics and rules of
U number of years through EMS being prepared ev- engagement by different
T the efforts of Private Offi- ery day through continual names but in the end we
A cer International, this is an training and refreshers, the all want the same thing,
L important lesson. fact remains that every- namely to be properly
I We have some in our pro- one in public safety has trained and execute our
T fession that feel they do a duty and responsibility responsibilities to the best
Y not need to train for this to train for just about any of our abilities.
type of incident because it emergency. This must also
will never happen because extend to private security
they are told to merely professionals. We want to Many thanks to Alan
“observe and report.” The train to become better at Shaw for contributing.
reality of today is much what we do, to learn new
different with private of- skills and refresh old ones.