Page 50 - Oct Nov 2017
P. 50

Donald Trump’s Tax Plan and Its Effect on the United States Nationally, Globally and Its Citizens
        plan diminishes and ac-              could attract companies to  the global economy.

        tually reverses. Overall,            come back to America and
        Trump’s plan could be                enjoy the low taxes. This            As a forewarning, this
        very bad for the economy,  is shown with the tempo-                       essay does follow many

        especially if previous tax           rary gain in GDP growth              assumptions made by
        cuts are any indication of           rate. It has not yet been            Moody’s and the Tax in-               P

        their effects. (Zandi, pg 2)         shared exactly how the               stitute. In final thoughts,           O
        Global                               lower corporate tax rate             Trump’s tax plan would                L
                                             would bring companies                benefit Individuals and the           I

        Internationally, the United  back, most companies that  United States corporations                              C
        States is no longer the              have offshored their busi-           greatly but would cre-                E

        world’s only powerhouse.  ness still maintain corpo-                      ate friction in the overall
        With a multitude of other            rate status in the United            US economy could cause                B
        countries on par with the            States and I doubt that a            another economic slow-                R

        US and winning in some               break in corporate taxes             down.                                 U
        facets. The United States            would be greater than                                                      T

        is in no place to fall be-           what it costs to pay an              Work Cited:                           A
        hind. The biggest problem  American Labor force.                                                                L
        with Trump’s tax plan and                                                 Fox, Lauren. “Unlike His              I

        his overall economic poli-           In conclusion, Donald                Immigration Plan, Donald              T
        cies is that they are isola-         Trump’s tax plan can and             Trump’s Tax Proposals                 Y

        tionist policies. Globaliza- would have a much great-                     Are Actually Feasible.”
        tion has created winners             er effect than it appears on  National Journal. National
        and losers, but segregating  the surface. If the senate                   Journal, n.d. Web

        the United States by pull-           agreed to adopt Trump’s              Nunns, Jim, Len Bur-
        ing out of trade deals like          full plan as it is now: the          man, Jeff Rohaly, and Joe

        NAFTA will actually de-              individual would see per-            Rosenburg. “An Analysis
        crease exports and make              sonal taxes decrease and             of Donald Trump’s Tax
        our exports more expen-              corporate taxes decrease             Plan.” AN ANALYSIS

        sive. Plus, the one-time             as well, Federal revenues            OF DONALD TRUMP’S
        offshoring tax will create           would swing high then                TAX PLAN (n.d.): n. pag.

        a strain on multinational            low along with the United  Web. http://www.taxpoli-
        companies. The largest               States GDP, and Trumps     
        upswing for the United               overarching economic                 analysis-donald-trumps-

        States would be the new              policy could put America             tax-plan/full.
        low corporate tax rate               in a very sticky place in            Zandi, Mark. Clinton’s

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