Page 45 - Oct Nov 2017
P. 45

What The Fire Service Can Teach Us About The Use of Force,

        and attack an emergency              dard Operating Procedures  and should help us under-

        scene. As technology has             or Post Orders are the two  stand the use of force a
        allowed firefighters to go           most common names. In                little better. Imagine it this
        further into fires for longer  almost all cases, our rules  way, apply a lot of force to

        periods of time, the fire            of engagement for use of             protect a lot, apply a little
        service started noticing             force are written for us in          force to protect a little,

        that firefighter injuries and  the form of laws and stat-                 apply no force to protect
        deaths were increasing.              utes.                                nothing. Seems kind of
                                                                                  simple doesn’t it? We can

                                                                                  reasonably use a lot of
                                                                                  force to protect a lot, like

                                                                                  human life, especially our
                                                                                  own. However we can use
                                                                                  no force to protect noth-

                                                                                  ing, so if there is no life
                                                                                  to protect in a given situ-

                                                                                  ation, most if not all force
                                                                                  will probably be unreason-

                                                                                  The key is going to be

                                                                                  evaluating not just the
                                                                                  presence of a threat, but
                                                                                  the level of that threat.

                                                                                  We don’t assign different
                                                                                  values to different human

                                                                                  lives, but we can begin
                                                                                  to quantify the situation
        So it became necessary to  We should all be familiar                      somewhat when think-

        have some rules to guide             with these rules before we  ing of the amount of hu-
        when and even if you go              need to apply them. An               man lives at risk. The

        into that fire or rescue.            important role in the  fire          difference between a lot
        We should be used to the             service is “risk a lot to            and a little may be the
        idea of rules of engage-             save a lot, risk a little to         number of potential vic-

        ment, even if we call them  save a little, risk nothing                   tims. Someone intent of
        something different. Stan-           to save nothing”. This can  harming a lot of people in

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