Page 43 - Oct Nov 2017
P. 43

What The Fire Service Can Teach Us About The Use of Force,

        can be a third party as we           have this answer before              Continuum. For those of

        employ using force to pro- there is an incident. For                      us directly involved in the
        tect another. It can even be  this we look at life over                   public safety profession,
        the aggressor if we are us- property. Most, if not all,                   including private security,

 P      ing force to prevent them            state statutes will deal ex-         it’s proper and fitting that
 O      from hurting themselves              clusively with force being  we briefly cover the levels

 L      or others                            justified when harm is re-           or steps involved in the
 I                                           lated to a living person not  escalation of using force.
 C      The last element that most  in defense of property. For  To put this in perspective,

 E      state statutes will address          this reason law enforce-             we have to appreciate law
        is harm. The use of force            ment officers and security  enforcement’s standard in

 B      is generally legal when              professionals can’t shoot            the implementation of the
 R      harm is either imminent or  fleeing shoplifters or cars                   use of force. Keep in mind
 U      being committed. Physi-              leaving the scene in many  the continuum does not

 T      cal force may be matched  cases unless there are                          apply to private citizens
 A      with the equal or lesser             extenuating circumstances  (outside of security pro-

 L      physical force or harm.              and even then must be                fessionals).
 I      However, take the element  justified.
 T      of harm away and the use                                                  Law Enforcement Use of

 Y      of force usually stops be-           By thinking of the use of            Force Continuum:
        ing justified.                       force as a triangle, we can

                                             begin to see what causes             * Officer’s presence in
        We often hear the terms              these incidents to occur             uniform:
        “reasonable” and “un-                and to escalate. Use of

        reasonable” (usually in              force in private security            * Highly visible as a de-
        court settings) when we              is always reactive, but it’s  terrent to crime.

        hear of use of force inci-           important to see who and             * Officer’s attitudes and
        dents. There will be a lot           what we are reacting to.             demeanor are professional
        of people trying to figure           We can’t afford to blame             and non-threatening.

        out what kind of force               ourselves every time we
        is reasonable after there            use force because there              * Verbalization – force is

        has been an incident with            will be plenty of others             not physical:
        investigators and juries             looking to do that for us.
        contemplating every avail- However, we can take                           * Officers issue calm, non-

        able detail to make a de-            a step back and be well              threatening commands,
        termination. The key is to  versed in the Use of Force  such as “Let me see your

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