Page 41 - Oct Nov 2017
P. 41
The Racial Divide
and confirm that this mounting discon- an African American just may have set
tent in Ferguson is just the tip of an off a chain of other reactions that hope-
Titanic iceberg of the racial inequality fully will result in meaningful legisla-
that exists today. In practically every tion that will restore the racial divide
P city the unemployment rate for African that continues to fragment our nation.
O Americans is more than twice as high as Legislation must be forth coming that
L it is for white Americans. Nationally the shows and outlines a plan of direction
I unemployment rate for African Ameri- that will avail more economic opportu-
C cas hovers at close to 18%. In cities like nity. With restored economic opportuni-
E Ferguson, New York, Chicago, Detroit, ties it will create a balance where racial
and Las Angeles the unemployment equality prevails. If the United States
B rate for African Americans is over 25%. fails to implement economic opportuni-
R Much of the blame for the sad state of ties and fails in educating all Americans
U the economy contrary to what is reported that every human being no matter their
T by our main stream media, lies with cur- race, color or religion has an inalien-
A rent economic policies that have only able right to life, liberty, and be able to
L increased the anxiety and frustration that pursue whatever vocation they choose
I so many feel. the United States future is in grave jeop-
T ardy. Every American will suffer the
Y When an incident like what happened consequences of our failure. It is time to
in Ferguson where a police officer over- implement National Economic Reform’s
reacts resulting in a death of an un- Ten Articles of Confederation.
armed young man who happens to be