Page 46 - Oct Nov 2017
P. 46

What The Fire Service Can Teach Us About The Use of Force,

        a school, office or shop-            lesson hopefully we                  safety officers. I would

        ping mall certainly pres-            can all keep from being              never say that you should
        ents us with a lot that              burned, literally or figura-         base your use of force de-
        needs protecting. More               tively.                              cisions on whether will be

        and more we are seeing                                                    a riot or not, but the great-         P
        incidents where a lot of             What does progress mean  er issues of public safety                        O

        force was used to save               in the security field and            must always be on our                 L
        nothing. This is almost              how can we apply it to the  minds with every decision                      I
        always due to a poor as-             use of force? It’s about             we make. Predicting the               C

        sessment of the incident             keeping up with current              way others will respond to            E
        and that generally comes             events and following cur-            your actions is the men-

        from a lack of training in           rent trends. This year has           tal equivalent of knowing             B
        and understanding of the             seen a number of high                your backstop in shooting.            R
        use of force. This is not to  profile use of force inci-                                                        U

        say to let the burglar get           dents. There has been a              A few years ago we start-             T
        away with the big screen             huge public response in              ed hearing about less than            A

        TV, but we do not apply              the form of rioting and              lethal weapons. Some of               L
        deadly force to save that            destruction. As a “domino  these tools are common-                         I
        entirely replaceable elec-           effect,” this could lead to          place among us now, like              T

        tronic appliance.                    more use of force inci-              pepper spray. Some are                Y
                                             dents, as a relatively small  becoming more prevalent

        Think about that last                incident leads to large pro- like Tasers. Others have
        subject you were facing,             tests that could ultimately  yet to be seen in great
        that wasn’t really all that          lead to more incidents               quantity like bean bag and

        threatening so you didn’t            involving many people                net guns. However, think-
        use force. In the back of            and many properties, both  ing progressively means

        your mind you were think- public and private. Before  we have to look at these
        ing of what you would do  we know it, we are at the                       options and take them into
        if he took certain actions.          risk of compromising our             consideration. If they are

        You placed yourself in a             rules of engagement.                 not permissible within the
        hopefully safe position                                                   private sector we need to

        relative to the subject, but  These incidents, while                      work hard to make them
        you were contemplating               mostly involving law en-             permissible.
        how you would respond to  forcement officers, could

        any threats that escalated.  just as easily involve pri-                  “Let no man’s ghost, say
        By applying this shared              vate security and public             his training let him down.”

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