Page 49 - Oct Nov 2017
P. 49
Donald Trump’s Tax Plan and Its Effect on the United States Nationally, Globally and Its Citizens
Trump’s tax plans is they in tax revenue could cre- this growth caused by the
are very vague in sub- ate a strained relationship tax break would make up
stance and impractical in between the United States’ for some of the deficit in
today’s society where cor- revenue stream and the tax revenue even more
porations and individuals expenditures they have so if most of these profits
P take advantage of every budgeted for, thus influ- were distributed in divi-
O break possible. One loop- encing their ability to cre- dends. To further decrease
L hole that exists is that in- ate an economic incentive the tax deficit Trump has
I dividuals can set up LLCs for the U.S. economy. proposed a one-time off-
C and like corporations and National shoring tax that would be
E actually lower their tax paid by any U.S. firm that
rate, this is due to very On a grander scale than has moved its operations
B low unearned income tax the individual, the United overseas. These measures
R rates. By funneling all of States economy would could eliminate the defi-
U your income through these change due to Trump’s tax cit in the short term, but
T mock corporations, indi- plan. After the individual long term the deficit could
A viduals could create a tax changes are accounted for, arguably skyrocket. This
L ceiling of 15%(Trump’s the corporations would is due to a drop in tax rev-
I unearned income alterna- be the next largest factor. enue and a projected in-
T tive rate) even though the Trump plans on dropping crease in spending. Some
Y normal tax brackets go corporate tax rate consid- major expenditures would
up to 33%. Now, it can be erably, which would cre- include border security
reasonably assumed that ate an upwards swing in (the wall) and increases in
this plan once brought to after-tax profits. This ben- military spending. Trump
a cooperative congress efit could go two ways; has promised to decrease
would be tightened up first corporations could expenditures in other fac-
with many more rules pay the excess profit out ets but has only stated that
added to eliminate glaring to shareholders in divi- he will eliminate ineffi-
loopholes and problems dends or second corpora- ciency and cut out waste.
with the plan. In the case tions could reinvest the Trump’s economic policy
of a democratic house or extra money into retained is not very favorable for
senate, these tax reforms earnings. Either way, this the United States econo-
could be shot down en- would give an injection of my. Due to increased glo-
tirely. With the assump- good profits and growth to balization and low rein-
tion that his whole plan the economy. In terms of vestment of profits, the
goes through the decrease United States tax revenue, initial gain from Trump’s