Page 39 - Oct Nov 2017
P. 39

The Racial Divide
        eliminate that threat of             tion that an Ebola level             the attacks have been per-

        violent protest. As what is  affliction of being poor.                    petrated against an African
        unfolding today. It wasn’t  And the prevailing notion  American. These riots are
        too long ago that in Tam-            especially by our famous-            their way of justification

 P      pa, Florida a young man              ly benevolent benefactors  designed to drive national

 O      Trayvon Martin was shoot  in Washington most as-                          attention toward their cir-
 L      and killed that set off pro-         sume that being a person             cumstances.
 I      test after protest. Even be- of color is synonymous

 C      fore we should go back to  with being poor, and poor  What we are seeing today
 E      Rodney King and the LA               is synonymous with being  is the middle class has
        riots that ensued follow-            a criminal.                          joined the ranks of the

 B      ing the acquittal of those                                                poor where whites have
 R      police offices. These tragic  With each of these shoot-                   joined with the African

 U      incidents have put the US  ings, choke hold, and                          American community in
 T      on notice that there is an           stand your ground atroci-            mass demonstrations in

 A      undercurrent of not only             ties it is quite understand-         the hope that these dem-
 L      frustration brewing but a            able that, so many see the  onstrations will revert to
 I      groundswell of anger that  police and our judicial                        the political process where

 T      our lives continue to be at  system are enforcers of                      legislation that promotes
 Y      the mercy of government              a truly unjust status quo.           economic equality and
        indifference and corporate  This results in an increase  opportunity is passed and

        influence that caters to the  of anger and frustration                    implemented. But, for
        rich.                                where riots demanding                the past 35 years all the
                                             justice have only ensued.            demonstrations that have

        That spark set off by a              A venting of this anger              played out have continued
        police officer’s overre-             through riots is their way           to fall on deaf ears by our

        action may have set in               of demonstrating the                 elected officials. Mean-
        motion a chain of events             hopelessness of their situ-          while the frustration, and
        that will continue to rever- ation. Riots evolve be-                      anger have only continued

        berate across the nation.            cause of the frustration,            to build.
        A coming race war or a               anger and resentment that

        class revolution is about to  has built up following an                   What many point out is
        explode. The real concern  incident that many feel                        the protest in Ferguson
        is that the targets of police  was an outright attack tar-                is just one more battle

        overreaction stems not on  geting a particular ethnic                     in a larger ongoing sub-
        race so much but the no-             group. And, in most cases  urban class and many

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