Page 38 - Oct Nov 2017
P. 38

Elite Investigative Journal
        The Racial Divide,  pg 38-41
        ©2014-2017  SYT Global, Inc.

          The Racial Divide By Dr. Tim G Williams





                                                                                            Photo Courtesy of
        For over three decades               opportunities. Today, we             many of our cities and                T
        there has been a rising tide  should point out that too                   towns continue to show                L
        of racial tensions sweep-            many Americans whether               that the United States has            I

        ing across the country, A            they are African American  yet to implement policies                       T
        sociological transforma-             or not continue to be ex-            that would elevate people
        tion that has pitted the             ploited by corrupt politi-           of all races to a level of            Y

        African American com-                cians, economic policies,            self-reliant, productive
        munity against seemingly  and our judicial system.                        citizens.

        impossible odds to ad-
        vance their social status.           ‘Every ethnic group in the  What happened and is
        We must remember that                entire country continues             happening in Ferguson,

        it just isn’t the African            to suffer the consequences  Missouri in the aftermath
        American community that  of a government that has                         of the death of Michael

        has seen a deterioration of  completely abandoned                         Brown is an outcry of
        opportunities to advance             them. We see the effects             what many feel is an in-
        their quality of life. Every  of what our government                      justice of not only racial

        ethnic group in the entire           continues to do when we              divides but really an out-
        country has been adverse-            walk through the inner               burst of frustration. When

        ly affected by a system              cities of Detroit, Chicago,  that frustration turns vio-
        that continues to rob most  New York, Los Angeles,                        lent only precludes and
        of the population of those  or any other city. Too                        equal effort to contain and

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