Page 34 - Oct Nov 2017
P. 34
NFL Players Kneeling During National Anthem: How Colin Kaepernick Started a Movement and Why
Photo Courtesy of
DeMaurice Smith, execu- the league should make a R
tive director of the Nation- rule against kneeling dur- while at the same time U
al Football League Players ing the national anthem. disrespecting our Anthem, T
Association, referring to “If NFL fans refuse to go Flag and Country? Change A
the First Amendment’s to games until players stop tax law!” Trump wrote on L
guarantee of the right to disrespecting our Flag Twitter. Asked to explain I
free speech. & Country, you will see Trump’s comment on the T
change take place fast,” NFL and taxes, Sanders Y
On Sunday, Sept. 24, Trump wrote in a series of said, “The federal tax law
teams and players across tweets on Sept. 24. “Fire doesn’t apply here, but
the country took a stand or suspend!” certainly we know that
against the president’s they receive tax subsidies
comments by kneeling or Trump escalated the feud on a variety of different
linking arms with team- even further on Oct. 11, levels.”
mates. Some teams opted when he suggested on A country divided?
to stay in their locker Twitter that the league
rooms during the national should no longer get tax A majority of Americans
anthem ahead of their re- breaks if players continue feel that President Don-
spective games. to kneel, prompting NFL ald Trump’s comments
In the days since, Trump team owners to consider on NFL players kneeling
has defended his original requiring football players during the national anthem
statements in the days to stand for the national are not appropriate, ac-
since, has rallied a boycott anthem. “Why is the NFL cording to a poll released
against the NFL and said getting massive tax breaks on Oct. 11, but those sur-