Page 31 - Oct Nov 2017
P. 31

NFL Players Kneeling During National Anthem: How Colin Kaepernick Started a Movement and Why
        Vice President Mike                  the game, Kaepernick told  Saturday before our next

        Pence also left a game      that he chose                game to discuss how I
        early in Indianapolis when  to remain seated during                       could get involved with
        the visiting San Francisco  the traditional singing of                    the cause but also how we

 P      49ers knelt during the na-           the national anthem as a             could make a more power-

 O      tional anthem before fac-            way to peacefully protest            ful and positive impact on
 L      ing the Colts on Oct. 8.             the shootings of unarmed             the social justice move-
 I      But despite the recent               black people and police              ment. We spoke at length

 C      media attention, the act of  brutality in the country.                    about many of the issues
 E      peaceful protest during the  “I am not going to stand                     that face our community,
        national anthem at NFL               up to show pride in a flag           including systemic op-

 B      games has actually been              for a country that oppress- pression against people
 R      going on since the 2016              es black people and peo-             of color, police brutality

 U      season, when then-San                ple of color,” Kaepernick            and the criminal justice
 T      Francisco 49ers quarter-             told NFL Media in an ex-             system,” Reid wrote in

 A      back Colin Kaepernick                clusive interview. “To me,  the Times op-ed. “We also
 L      remained seated during               this is bigger than football  discussed how we could
 I      the song before the team’s  and it would be selfish on  use our platform, provided

 T      first preseason game.                my part to look the other            to us by being profes-
 Y      Learn more below about               way. There are bodies in             sional athletes in the NFL,
        the origins of kneel-                the street and people get-           to speak for those who are

        ing during the national              ting paid leave and getting  voiceless.”
        anthem, the latest on                away with murder.”
        Trump’s feud with the                                                     On Sept. 1, 2016, during

        NFL and more.                        In a recent New York                 the 49ers’ next preseason
                                             Times Op-Ed, 49ers safety  game, Kaepernick and

        Kaepernick takes a knee              Eric Reid said he also               Reid kneeled together
        against police brutality             didn’t notice his team-              during the singing of the
        Kaepernick started the               mate’s silent protest until          national anthem.

        2016 preseason off by                that third preseason game  The pair, Reid said, had
        refusing to stand during             against the Green Bay                made the decision to

        the national anthem, but             Packers, but once he real-           switch to a kneeling posi-
        it wasn’t until the 49ers’           ized what was going on he  tion after speaking with
        third preseason game on              wanted to support Kaeper- former NFL player and

        Aug. 26, 2016, that any-             nick and his message.                retired Green Beret Nate
        one took notice. Following  “I approached Colin the                       Boyer.

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