Page 27 - Oct Nov 2017
P. 27

Teaching Children to Deal with Pain

        rological disorder that can  from phrases such as “It                     es.”
        be managed with medica-              can’t be that bad.” Ask
        tion and might eventually            exactly where it hurts so            But say your child has an

        disappear on its own,”               you can get an idea what             injury more serious than
        according to the National            type of headache the pain            a tension headache. What

 O      Headache Foundation.                 could be.                            can you do to help her
                                                                                  control the pain? Accord-
 L      Easing the Pain                      Discuss options with your  ing to Dr. Ronald Melzack

 I      Your six-year-old has been  child on what to do--a                        in his book The Puzzle of
 E      whiny lately, complain-              children’s painkiller, a             Pain, you can teach your
        ing of a headache. What              cool washcloth on the                child to “gate the pain.”
        should you do? According  forehead, relaxing with                         “The pain impulse could
 B      to Kuttner, we first need            eyes closed, thinking                be blocked, weakened or

 R      to respond to the pain in            about happy things such              interrupted along the path-
 T      a caring practical manner.  as playing on the beach,                      ways to the brain.” This is

 A      Ask on a scale of one to             etc.                                 done by rubbing the limb,
 L      ten how bad it hurts.                Stay with your child                 finger, etc., which acti-
                                             through this experience,
                                                                                  vates a gating mechanism
 I      Inform the child about               providing him with hope.             and inhibits the spinal
 Y      what is happening in his             Tell him it will go away             cord’s cells that transmit
        body. Six-year-olds are in  soon.                                         the pain message to the
        the exploratory age where                                                 brain.
        they love to discover how  Most of all, in any expe-

        things work, including               rience that is painful for           Another option for con-
        the human body. Get out              your child, keep your own  trolling pain is by using

        the encyclopedia if you              anxiety in check. If a child  opioids, including the
        must and read it together.           senses you are scared, he            body’s own endorphins.
        Not only will this create            or she may become unrea- The brain, stomach and

        a bond if you “problem-              sonably scared, causing              other organs have opioid
        solve” the headache to-              the hurt to be more pain-            receptors that naturally

        gether, but snuggle or               ful than it is. Because, as          work to reduce pain. The
        hold the child while you             Kuttner writes, “In every            immune system immobi-
        research.                            pain experience the brain            lizes cells that travel to the

        Acknowledge your child’s  integrates sensory and                          injury and release the en-
        pain without minimiz-                emotional information as             dorphins. To release more

        ing or denying it. Refrain           well as thought process-             opioids, medications such

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