Page 28 - Oct Nov 2017
P. 28

Teaching Children to Deal with Pain

        as morphine can be used.             on something other than              be in pain. This is part of
        Less potent medications,             the pain. You may even               their growing and learning
        such as acetaminophen,               use a Where’s Waldo book  experiences, just as it is a

        ibuprofen and corticoste-            or one of those three-di-            part of our learning expe-
        roids (such as hydrocorti-           mension pictures with the  riences as parents to grow                      P

        sone ointments) can also             hidden focal points that             through our children’s                O
        be used for some pain and  you can only see if you                        pain. Keep a positive out-            L
        injuries.                            concentrate on the center            look. And the next time

                                             of the print until your eyes  David bumps his leg on                       I
        If you opt not to use                go out of focus.                     the fireplace bricks after            C
        medication, hypnosis can                                                  being told not to run in the
        lessen pain by changing              Most importantly, if your            house, do not say “That’s             B
        the experience of pain by            child is injured and in              what you get for not lis-

        focused concentration to             pain, don’t panic. The               tening to me,” but get out            R
        alter consciousness. Stan-           child will not believe               the ice pack and sit with             T

        ford University psycholo-            things will get better if            him on the couch and ex-              A
        gist Dr. Ernest Hilgard did  you are not acting like                      plain what happened to his            L
        a study by hypnotizing               they will. Give your child  body. Pain should not be

        people and then asking               control over the pain con-           seen as a punishment but              I
        them whether a normally              trol mechanisms that s/              as a message to heed. And             Y

        painful sensation to the             he will use, whether it be           pain from bumping into
        arm was painful. The pa-             deep breathing, concen-              the fireplace bricks may
        tients wrote that severe             trating on something else,  teach David that running

        pain was experienced in              rubbing the injury, etc.             in the house is not a good
        the brain’s subconscious,            Use language and ideas               idea faster than any words

        but “because of the hyp-             that invite hope. And pay            or lectures you could say.
        notic trance it was not              close attention to the non-
        deemed ‘pain’ or per-                verbal indicators that re-

        ceived as ‘painful’.”                veal how the child is feel-
                                             ing. A child who has been

        To hypnotize your child,             in pain for a prolonged
        you do not need the watch  period may say anything
        on a chain or the thera-             to join his friends and ap-

        pist’s license. Just get him  pear “normal” again.
        to strongly focus both

        mentally and physically              Children will get hurt and

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