Page 23 - Oct Nov 2017
P. 23

Teaching Children to Deal with Pain
        fair. The image of that ill          and types and its “cures”.           on an adult’s pain is the
        child is out of our comfort  Parents are a child’s first                  injured adult. We cannot

        range. Our mental images  teachers in life. We are                        feel another’s pain; we can
        of children revolve around  also our child’s first teach- only read his verbal and

 P      rosy faced, boys and girls           ers about pain.                      nonverbal cues to under-
 O      with wind-blown hair,                What is pain?                        stand the intensity he is

 L      playing and laughing, en-                                                 feeling. We need to keep
 I      joying life and sunshine.            Pain is a subjective sensa-          this in mind when we are
 C      But in reality, children do          tion. What may be pain-              treating our child’s injury.

 E      get hurt, sometimes seri-            ful to one person or child           Scientists and psycholo-
        ously, and it may take               may not be as painful to             gists have studied pain for
        more than a Band-Aid                 another. The International  years. Back in the sev-
 R      to make the boo-boo go               Association for the Study            enteenth century the phi-
 U      away. When our children              of Pain defines pain as              losopher Rene Descartes

 T      take a tumble as they learn  “an unpleasant sensory                       believed that the mind
 A      to walk, take a spill from           and emotional experience  and body were separate

 L      their bikes, or fall from            associated with actual               entities, therefore creat-
 I      a tree they have proudly             or potential tissue dam-             ing misconceptions about
 T      climbed, we need to know  age or described in terms                       pain, saying that our

 Y      how to handle the situa-             of such damage.” Pain is             thoughts and feelings had
        tion. Our mental attitudes,  the body’s signal that it                    no influence on our pain.
        words and physical ac-               has been injured or that

        tions influence the amount  something is wrong. So                        Even in more recent years,
        of pain children feel, the           pain can be good, but it             researchers and doctors

        level of hysteria they will          can also interfere with our  did not believe infants
        reach and their mental as-           lives and our bodies’ func- and children could feel
        sociations about pain and            tioning.                             intense pain because they

        life.                                                                     were neurologically im-
                                             Sometimes diagnosing a               mature, and that their cries

        But in order to adequately  child’s pain can be diffi-                    and screams were caused
        help our children during             cult, especially in infants          by fear. In the 1930s the
        times of crisis and both             and younger children. The  prevalent mindset was that

        physical and emotional               only authority on a child’s  if a doctor gave an infant
        pain, we need to examine             pain is the injured child;           a sugar sucker, no anes-

        what pain is, its causes             just as the only authority           thesia was needed during

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