Page 19 - Oct Nov 2017
P. 19
Nonverbal Interviews
similar ways, but no two ing to impact or emotion, processor. F r ex mple,
people process incom- then transfer them to long y u can pr b bly re d th s.
ing, existing, and outgo- term memory storage. For This is because your brain
P ing thoughts in the same those of you who never filled in the gaps, based on
O manner. For example, throw away anything, previously stored knowl-
L you tell me a joke; I laugh our brain processes in a edge. Great, right? Well,
I hysterically. You assume I similar manner, but in an have you ever recalled an
C was laughing at your joke, organized manner. Each incident, and a friend or
E when your joke reminded day our thoughts and ex- co-worker corrected you
me of a funny story from periences affect the way regarding certain details?
my past. I was
R recently told a story Who was correct? With-
U about a state police out physical proof, who
T candidate failing knows which of you
A his polygraph exam remembered the incident
L because of a similar correctly. After all, our
I situation. He was memories are influenced
T asked if he had ever by our perceptions. It
Y stolen anything. He is no different than
immediately flashed when you see “purple”
back to his child- Photo Courtesy of and someone else sees
hood grocery shopping we perceive our world and “mauve”. Neither of you
trips with his mother. He remember it. Our brain are trying to deceive; you
had the privilege of choos- does not take screen shots perceive the world differ-
ing the cookies from the of every second of our ently.
cookie bin. It was the day; it captures overarch-
next memory that caused ing themes or occurrences, This idea is always a ma-
him to fail his polygraph. with occasional irrelevant jor consideration when I
He occasionally would eat information thrown in as conduct handwriting re-
a cookie while filling the well. search. As I mentioned
cookie bag! earlier, cognitive blips
Think of your brain as a in our brains can be pre-
Our brains are wired to computer which efficiently served on paper, as hand-
take snippets of informa- stores information, caus- writing. Yes, we show
tion, process them accord- ing the least lag on your emotion in our handwrit-