Page 17 - Oct Nov 2017
P. 17

Leadership Principles of the Warrior - Series Twelve Leadership Ascendency (Part 4)

        ture by subjective validation conjures false conclusions.

        On some occasions, the intentions result in less than lethal consequences. However,

        in other situations, the purposes result in harmfulness to others. Social networking
 P      and community commentary are rife with the emotional reactivity of prejudicial

 O      thinking at any given moment. For the perceptive leader, within or outside the orga-
 L      nizational sphere, he or she remains dedicated the ascendency of personal transfor-

 I      mation.
 E      Randy Gonzalez has been an active member in the criminal justice field for the past
        38 years. As a police officer, deputy sheriff and law enforcement instructor, he has

 B      been involved in a number of criminal justice activities. He is the former director of

 R      a police academy and a retired chief of police. As a police academy director, he was
 U      responsible for basic recruit training, as well as advanced and career development
 T      courses for in-service law enforcement personnel. His involvement in law enforce-

 A      ment education extends state-wide. Randy also serves as a professor of criminology
 L      on the faculty of a local university, and adjunct professor on the faculty of a com-

 I      munity college and vocational-technical institute. He has served as an educational
 T      consultant to schools and colleges on matters of law enforcement training and is
 Y      available as an expert witness on law enforcement training issues.

        Randy Gonzalez holds B.A. and M.A. degrees in Criminology, and M.P.A. degree

        in Public Administration, and a Ph.D. in Biblical Philosophy. As a certified law en-
        forcement instructor, he holds certifications in a number of law enforcement train-

        ing topics. As a martial arts practitioner, he has taught classes on self-defense and
        personal safety education.

        Randy has written and published articles, short stories and training manuals related
        to the field of criminal justice and law enforcement. His training materials have

        been used in college courses and police academy training programs. He remains an
        active member of several professional associations at the state, national and inter-
        national levels. In addition, he participates in writer's groups and continues to write

        about both fiction and non-fiction subjects. His website is located at: "".
        And, his email address is:


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