Page 16 - Oct Nov 2017
P. 16
Leadership Principles of the Warrior - Series Twelve Leadership Ascendency (Part 4)
deal with the multiple gy), human behavior re- creativity, self-evolution
manifestations of human mains a mysterious abyss becomes stifled. By a mul-
selfishness. Pitifulness is of self-indulgence and tidimensional complex of
self-loathing and decep- dangerous arrogance. individual deception, ruses
tive when committed for abound to avoid experi- P
personal self-interests. It Nonetheless, pitifulness encing serious devotion to O
is a way of turning around for the “selfie” of amative personal ascension. De- L
self-reliance, due dili- mitigation for pretentious ception, the “d” in stupid, I
gence and responsible be- shortcomings merges into fosters and foments dis- C
havior, in order to blame the hallow deceptions of sension and regression E
others for one’s misfor- “ignorance”. In the “I” of with the collective frame-
tune, shortcomings, and being stupid, one endeav- work. B
all the disappointments in ors to escape into myriad R
life. schemes of non-creativity Within the matrix of the U
and relentless avoidance organization, given the T
Everyone has problems, of productivity. An orga- degree of complexity, A
all of us experience life’s nization will easily de- there will always be those L
triumphs and tragedies in teriorate. Why be smart, who are detrimental to the I
unique encounters as per- inclined toward learning, operations. Human nature T
ceived on an individual self-evolved and trans- is intricate and purpose- Y
level. For better or for formed, when others will ful deception is pervasive.
worse, each responds ac- aid and abet the practice In one way or another, a
cording to the personnel of witless obliviousness. certain percentage will
juncture at which point he Done on purpose to es- use whatever deceptive
or she interacts with oth- cape responsibility, many means possible to stifle
ers. All are responsible contrive the foolishness or otherwise disrupt op-
for their actions and each of playing absentminded, erational continuity. De-
must be held accountable. uninformed and unaware ceiving others involves
There are no excuses. No intentionally. deceiving oneself. If you
matter what one assumes, observe closely, you will
guesses or otherwise pre- With witless willfulness, see it every day, from the
tends to know, concerning whereby at one point on a classroom to the news-
the efficacy of the pseudo- psychic progression, peo- room, personal bias often
sciences (i.e. criminology, ple avoid inspiring them- precludes the necessity of
psychology and sociolo- selves with purposeful getting the facts. Conjec-