Page 11 - Oct Nov 2017
P. 11
Leadership Principles of the Warrior - Series Twelve Leadership Ascendency (Part 4)
know when, what and opposing viewpoints, and For the leader, his or her
where are the most ap- solicit the probability of belief system must like-
propriate actions to be alternatives. Most of all wise transform into a
taken challenges thinking he or she is not afraid to matured vision of reality,
P processes. Prudent thought be wrong. Sometimes, for fortified by reason, and
O necessitates appropriate he or she, wiser counsel, the willfulness to bravely
L behaviors and provides the skilled advice from a more overcome the infant nur-
I basis for relevant interac- learned experienced men- ture of egocentricity. To
C tivities. When practical, tor will be necessary. Ef- bear up, to deal with hard-
E careful analysis attributes fective leadership under- ships, to discipline oneself
the merits of factuality in stands the importance of under stress, to remain
B deliberation upon each rising beyond selfishness focused and persevere
R step to unfold. to selfless ascendency. dependably, are critical
U to this quest. The leader
T Consequences are an- As a self-evolving skep- evolves and transforms
A ticipated and accepted for tic, with a healthy sense beyond those around him
L what they are and where of individuality, assertions or her. No whining snivel-
I they are. Energies focus must be proved by evi- ing “victimization” has a
T on getting the mission dence, not emotion or un- place in the psychic realm
Y accomplished efficiently substantiated conjecture. of the leader.
with exceptional effective- He or she understands that
ness.. Honorable efforts extraordinary assertions The leader gets past the
remain fundamental to must be back by excep- pains of sacrifices, re-
subsequent decisions, as tional provability. As doc- grets and failures, because
the frivolity of foolishness trines and dogmas come living in the present is
is subjugated by the effi- and go, as mechanistic precious for the sake of
cacy of the facts. A leader interactions change, while private liberation and
consistently endeavors human nature remains the freedom. Call it a kind
to exhibit the empathetic same, a leader’s “warrior of stoical state of mind,
providence of a knowl- mind set” evolves by the whereby by he or she
edgeable authority. willful validity of personal presses forward against
experience and individual the odds. In addition, at
He or she is not afraid to liberation. For such effort, the end of the day, in the
take risks, expose personal popularity may suffer. face of condescending
errors, assert openness to prospects in a devolving