Page 6 - Oct Nov 2017
P. 6
Leadership Principles of the Warrior - Series Twelve Leadership Ascendency (Part 4)
the moment, to seize the people watcher, one who growth and develop-
opportunity to understand, wears the badge of leader- ment beyond the normal
to grow, evolve and build ship remains distant from range. Average, mediocre
upon wiser thinking. In the crowd. Honesty, integ- and run-of-the-mill, is a
spite of controversy, and rity, and humility in per- defeating existence that P
the pressures of the more sonal responsibility unify permeates society and O
powerfully less evolved, the clarity of individual encourages the eventual L
an authentic leader stands differentiation. Avoiding demise of the species. A I
his or her ground on the the seduction of conceited leader faces a vast diver- C
firm basis of ethical prin- personal illusion, leading sity of cerebral challenges, E
ciple. To know what is others means forsaking the whereby the senses are
right and to do it, urges usual ploys of deceitful, assailed every day by B
the courage of personal conniving, overly ambi- purposeful acts of stupid- R
belief and steadfastness of tious, and bullying behav- ity. Against this onslaught U
character. Most will not iors. from grade school to gov- T
comprehend the essential ernment, infecting every A
mystique of such inner However, such self-evolv- communal organization, L
being. Many will claim ing attributes require the sect and faction, the leader I
“leadership”, but remain disciplined state of “mind” must navigate the treach- T
impotent. that insists upon personal ery. Y
From the integrity of per-
sonal insight by effort of
continual transformation,
a leader strives consistent-
ly to be an ascended ex-
ample to others. As most
assert their ill claim to
“expertise”, and the “ex-
perts” pretend the potency
of their superficiality, the
leader muses in their de-
ceptions. Always a stu-
dent of behavior, a serious
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