Page 13 - Oct Nov 2017
P. 13
Leadership Principles of the Warrior - Series Twelve Leadership Ascendency (Part 4)
for you, right? From the become targets of conde-
Sometimes overt, some- “S” of the stupidity fac- scension and derision. As
times very subtle, the lazy tor comes the “t” of being the “forces of evil” be-
haze of pretended “vic- overly temperamental in come easy scapegoats for
P timization” conspires to emotional reactivity. one’s failure to satiate the
O distract from the mission primal senses of entitle-
L of the organization, or the Subjective embraces su- ment, and gain without ef-
I team, and mostly other perstition and the pro- fort, all kinds of irrespon-
C individuals. Yet, individu- pensity to embrace the sible actions result.
E ality is applied here in a supernatural. From that
broad sense. An individu- juncture, fantasy forms Selfish subjectivity refutes
B ated quest of liberation in the fruition of illusions the efficacy of skeptical
R the freedom of thoughtful about the physical world inquiry and mature re-
U transformation is clearly of reality. Creative think- sponsibility. At a certain
T distinct from that of mere ing wanes, as motivations point in time, it is neces-
A individuals. For the evolv- devolve to ideological sary to grow up and be-
L ing leader, the energy of extremes, self-deceptions come a self-evolving indi-
I management and supervi- and selfish inclinations. vidual. To forsake the “cry
T sion can be burdened by Myth, magic and poorly baby” posture of juvenile
Y the waves of intentional constructed metaphor foolishness, one has to
stupidity at any given quickly hastens to the take full command of his
time. anti-thinking of foolish or her existence. Until you
fallacies of inference. are sufficiently self-reliant,
Playing the stupid role and outside the power
reflects the purposed ef- This in turn contrives to and control of the more
forts to be self-absorbed blame others, look for dominant interactions, you
and childishly subjective excuses, and otherwise negotiate and compromise
at every opportunity. Why regress to more primal where necessary. In the
be on the higher ground urges of inadequate per- discovery of evidentiary
of integrity when you can formance. Personal ascen- viability, the facts are
be focused on yourself? dancy becomes stifled and vital.
Forget justice, equity energetic efforts toward
or graceful selflessness, self-transformation de- Here is where tempera-
when you can pursue suc- scend into lazy ideations. mental, in the “T” for
cess, wealth and power People, places and things stupid, devolves to behav-