Page 25 - Oct Nov 2017
P. 25

Teaching Children to Deal with Pain

        a parent gets hysterical             body part, just like the boy  have no way to articu-
        or faints upon seeing an             in the example at the be-            late what they are feeling
        injury, the child is apt to          ginning of this article.             (other than by crying) and

        think her injury is very             In addition to these exter-          do not know mechanisms-
        serious, and possibly even  nal factors, the intensity of  -internally and externally-

 O      life threatening.                    our pain is also based on            -to shut down the pain as
                                             internal factors. Kuttner
 L      Likewise, if injury is seen  writes, “When the body                       older children and adults
                                                                                  do. So it is important for
 I      as a positive occurrence,            experiences an injury,               us, as parents, to watch
 E      then the pain will be less           nerve impulses at the site           our children closely to
        severe. Boston surgeon               of the injury send a mes-            pick up the nonverbal
        H. Beecher studied this              sage to the brain. The               clues on how they feel.
 B      phenomenon during World  nerve impulses alone are                         Classifications of Pain

 R      War II. Soldiers, who were  not the pain; only when                       Three main types of pain
 T      injured in battle with inju-         they reach the brain are             exist for people of all

 A      ries similar to their civil-         they defined, felt and ex-           ages: acute pain, chronic
 L      ian counterparts, required           perienced as ‘pain’.”                pain and recurrent pain.
                                                                                  These pain types vary in
        less pain medication. To
 I      the soldiers, a wound                Your child, based on a               cause, longevity and in-
 Y      meant a ticket home, so              past negative experience             tensity.
        the pain they were feel-             with a needle, may inter-
        ings was positive.                   pret the shot about to be            Acute pain is usually im-
                                             administered not only as             mediate and lasts for a

        In other examples of how             a physical discomfort but            short duration of time,
        cultural norms affect in-            also as a huge threat. Be-           usually less than two

        tensity of pain, if a boy            cause of these feelings,             weeks. This type of pain
        has been taught by society  she may feel more pain                        is often caused by an in-
        that crying is bad and that  from that needle pierce                      jury, a short-term illness

        “boys don’t cry and only             than her friends would.              or a surgical or medical
        sissies get hurt,” he is apt         Recently, researchers in             procedure. Acute pain can

        to “tough it out” and say            England suggested that               be treated with analgesics,
        that nothing is wrong,               newborns may have more  including over the counter
        even if he has a serious             of the chemicals in their            and prescription medica-

        injury. With this attitude,          spinal cords that cause the  tions. It can also be eased
        he may end up doing fur-             experience of pain than              with nonpharmacologic

        ther damage to the injured  adults do. But, infants                       means such as hypnosis

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