Page 18 - Sept Oct Issue
P. 18
Social Survival Tactics in a Devolving Society
whose dog defecated on whose yard. You are passed survival tasks? Now, after a preliminary review of initial
the issue of who butted in line ahead of someone questions, you go back over them. Consider the basics
else to buy movie tickets. You’re not even concerned of each question, revise them and ask more questions.
about which car cut you off at the intersection. All Update your answers as often as possible.
those kinds of trivial things are minor, or irrelevant,
in comparison to a major societal disaster. Preparation, planning, and practical procedures,
complimented with an ever developing tactical mindset
In the worst-case scenario, materials resources, are vital. Simply stated, the vast majority of people
goods and services, as well as community civility are not well prepared. Physically, psychologically,
can devolve in a very short time. Who knows what and intuitively, many hold onto a major social fallacy
that might be? Maybe nuclear devices, instigated by of inference. Many persons think that a government
terrorists, have caused wide scale destruction, and rescue will occur quickly and eficiently. After which,
power grids have disintegrated. Cyber perpetrators everything will return to “status quo”. Even if nothing
could assault computer systems on a national scale. ever happens of a serious nature, and that’s unrealistic,
Perhaps, criminals may have launched a bio-weapons one should be prepared for implementing defensive
attack, and airborne contagions infected entire countermeasures effectively. In an atmosphere of severe
population centers. If so, then some might appreciate social disruption, daily “routines” of “normal” existence
how quickly the social framework can breakdown. hurriedly dissipate. Life becomes extraordinarily primal
If something very horrible were to occur, then self- and “cannibalistic.”
reliance becomes vital. To that, thinking is a crucial
planning, training and anticipating process of self- With terrifying and overwhelming speed, civility can
defense. deteriorate to wickedly horrible levels. As frequently
advised by governmental authority, we are encouraged
One basic frame of reference begins with an to be ready for self-suficiency for at least seventy-two
understanding of who you are. It’s a life-long hours. With this in mind, it is suggested that assistance
commitment to self-transformation. That starts the will follow within a reasonable time frame. Again,
hard work of serious mental-physical preparation. what if no rescue is forthcoming because things really
Mindset is taking control to evolve effectively got that bad? If the unimaginable happened and you
and harnessing the power of the cerebral potency were fortunate, depending on your perspective, to have
within. For example, you ask yourself daily, look survived, whatever is left will be vastly different. The
in the mirror, who am I? And, your answer is, “new world” you will emerge into has radically changed.
you’re a person who will ight to survive against Everything you took for granted is gone. And, you will
the odds. You have to be ready to strive in chaos, have to implement a capacity for social survival, in spite
when everyone else is demoralized by fear. Start of wishful thinking to the contrary.
now, before disaster strikes, to think crucially about
yourself, what you know and what you do. You In the uncertain world of global catastrophe, threats will
might adapt the “what ifs” coniguration of the come from many diverse directions. You may be fooled
concept of who, what, where, when, why and how. by the deception of those around you. We often are
tricked and disappointed by those we trusted. Each of us
For that matter, your tactics could be any other has to learn to become more self-reliant on an individual
rubric that focuses on personal responsibility in basis. Keep in mind we humans can be exceptionally
taking charge of one’s life without relying on others. gifted at ruses, scams and con jobs. That’s human nature,
In a crisis, you may not be able to rely on anyone good, bad and indifferent, so get used to it, and plan on
except yourself, and maybe a few other very close worst-case scenarios. And particularly, you might be
associates. So, again, who are you? What are you amazed by those you’d least expect to turn on you. Many
prepared to do? Where will you go? When will you people will be out for themselves when a crisis occurs.
take pre-emptive action? Why will you do these They will fail to plan ahead, like the fable of the ant and
things? And, how do you intend to accomplish the grasshopper, plan today for what might happen
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