Page 21 - Sept Oct Issue
P. 21
Social Survival Tactics in a Devolving Society
On the contrary, like locusts consumption will likely thinking in different, more effective and eficient ways.
exceed future provisional capacities. As such, we fail It is easy to go blithely and gullibly through life, relying
to scale the highest reaches of imagination to prevail on others to ensure your well-being. At the end of the
beyond eternity. day, however, you are the only one solely responsible
for your safety and security. Remaining oblivious to the
In the end, when the lights go out on what we harsh realities around us is no guarantee. The afinity for
once knew, the atmosphere will become very dark. eternity without end, or an afterlife of perpetual bliss,
Illusions of paranormal fascinations suddenly fade relects the tendency to believe the mythologies we have
into the shadows of misspent energies. Human created.
manifestations for horrible purposes will confront
the safe mediocrity of the ill prepared. After that, When things become challenging, threatening and
not much will matter. Mystical beliefs, mythic deadly, thinking processes must quickly transcend
perceptions and dogmatic intentions will be replaced emotional reactivity, and transform to higher levels of
by the primal levels of survival. Lofty ideals will the proactive. Moment to moment, at every opportunity,
crash around the smug pretentions of those who once think about where you are and what is going on around
looked askance at those perceived in a lesser context. you. Consider the options under your control. With that,
appreciate the essentiality of personal commitment you
A healthy mature sense of social skepticism ought to need to invest and give conidence to the choices you
be at the forefront of communal interactivity. Rather make.
than being lulled into the complacency of foolhardy
naiveté about people in general, one should ensure Personal responsibility for serious commitment to social
a proactive mindset. Naturally, that begins with a survival tactics means you have to be a grownup. You’re
very serious personal self-defense training regimen. not in “high school”, developing a tactical mindset is
Proper planning prevents poor performance most of crucial, you’re an adult, so simply stated, grow up.
the time. A conscientious effort to safeguard mind Stop depending on others, change your thinking to self-
and body require commitment. reliance and consistent vigilance, and be a responsible
member of the community. Learning how to be a
Awareness is important. Would it be fair to say, non-anxious self-differentiated person, reinforces due
you maintain active vigilance and practice being diligence necessary to prepare yourself each time you
present in each aspect of your life? Are you aware of venture out into “civilization”. This means personal
your personality, physicality and the nature of your transformation.
physical surroundings? Does maturity play into your
mental capabilities? On the other hand, are you in a There are people around you with needs, desires and
grownup body, but instead, you act like a child? individual proclivities. From an escalating scale of
hedonistic inclinations, from deception to torture, anyone
Being physical it or capable at least on an is capable of anything anywhere at any time. Do not be
average basis is vital. How well can you fend for surprised by the range and extent of human selishness,
yourself when the “cow pies” hit the apocalyptic cruelty and debasing stupidity. Training yourself to
fan? Additionally, to develop mental focus, or prevail is a never-ending process of learning. Hands-on
psychological toughness, coupled with a tactical realistic personal self-evolution means you maintain a
mindset, demands devotion and perseverance. Every positive attitude even when you don’t want to. Personal
day is an opportunity to “role play” the possibilities responsibility has demands.
and explore the “what ifs” of social survival.
Nonetheless, many are unprepared and will be Likewise, being prepared to take action when needed
caught by surprise. requires the complete devotion of oneself. Upon rising
to the new day, you are fortunate to begin again, and
We have to change our usual simplistic mode of experience testing of wisdom and understanding for a
thinking. Survival in the worst-case scenario requires better version of your original self. Planning,
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