Page 25 - Sept Oct Issue
P. 25
Elite Investigative Journal
The Psychology of Leadership, pg 25-30
©2014-2015 Press Enter Resolve, LLC
The Psychology of Leadership

By Arthur F Carmazzi

Photo Courtesy of
The Inspirational Leader, one who can instill passion “standard” reactions to the actions of the group, a leader
and direction to a group requires an understanding of can in effect change the psychology of the group and
how the Psychology of a group affects its individual change the culture of the organization.
In numerous Group Dynamic Disciplines such as
Directive Communication and theories like the ripple 1. Master Your Rules of Engagement
effect by Sigal Barsade, leadership is a product In War, “Rules of Engagement” are what you do when
of awareness and command of the reactions and you engage the enemy.
inluences of a group on the individual.
The enemy in this case is experience of when your
Leadership is NOT about changing the mindset of surroundings don’t match your perception of ‘what
the group but in the cultivation of an environment should be’.
that brings out the best (inspires) the individuals
in that group... Each individual has various Psychological “Rules of Engagement” exist as reaction
environments that bring out different facets from responses to these surroundings and the experiences.
their own Identity, and each facet is driven by
emotionally charged perceptions within each 2. Increase Your Circle of Tolerance
environment... This is the measure of your ability to deal with things
“intelligently” and without reaction. The more rules you
To lead, one must create a platform through have about the way things should be, the smaller your
education and awareness where individuals ill each Circle of Tolerance.
others needs. This is accomplished by knowing
why people may react favorably to a situation in If you have a large Circle of Tolerance, you can deal with
environment A, but get frustrated or disillusioned in more situations intelligently and make better decisions.
environment B.
Things that happen outside of your Circle of Tolerance
When a leader changes their actions in accordance usually trigger your Rules of Engagement.
with their awareness of what those actions really
mean, they affect the emotional and perceptive 3. Remove Your Colored Glasses
affects on a group. By taking control of the

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