Page 29 - Sept Oct Issue
P. 29
The Psychology of Leadership
8. Cultivate your Leadership Identity effective and fulilled in your work and life.

Leaders are the greatest inluence to an organization Here are the 5 foundations to make this happen:
corporate culture. Leaders may not be aware of the
psychology of why their “Leadership Identity” may -Have a Methodology for Change.
often be an obstacle to an inspired and effective
organization. -Have a Greater Purpose.

The realizations and awareness gained through the -Speak a Common Language.
irst 7 Assents will inluence decisions that affect
culture. They are the essence that determines our -Create a Supportive Environment.
ability to consciously decide and “Act” intelligently
instead of “React” to our environment. A leader must -Have a Uniied Identity.
act and create.
You must have a Methodology you believe can make a
To cultivate YOUR Leadership Identity. Relect of Change
the irst 7 Assents and write a deinition of Who You
Need to Be as a Leader! Then live by this Leadership This article has given you some foundations in the
Identity and ascend to the level of Transformation. Directive Communication Methodology that inluences
individuals and groups in a powerful enough way to
Directive Communication Intl. offers a free change organizational culture. If you have applied some
“Foundations” Mini-course for more in-depth of what you have learned earlier, if you have become
information about the 8 Assents. more aware and have increased your circle of Tolerance,
then this works for you.
Only when a leader has mastered these assents, can
he shape the 5 Pillars of Transformation Having a greater purpose

THE 5 PILLARS OF A TRANSFORMATIONAL Find a something bigger than the group, something
ENVIRONMENTAL that is even bigger than the organization. A reason the
group is greater than just the people in it, a purpose
The pillars are the foundations that convert a team that is greater or nobler that the personal goals of each
to a organization transforming powerhouse. When a individual.
leader becomes aware of Directive Communication
Psychology and how it applies to the formation of You must speak a common language
transformational teams, it becomes apparent in the
perception of that leader and becomes apparent in the Because of the speciic nature of Directive
teams results. Communication methodology it carries with it a speciic
language to be able to understand and explain awareness,
The more people around you that become aware of change, and a higher level of living in a concise and
Directive Communication psychology and how to effective way.
use it, the more success you will have in achieving
your objectives. You must maintain internal supportive environment

Share this article with others in your different As an elite group that shares and uses this psychology,
environments; teach them what you have learned. you can excel far greater than as an individual.
With a greater awareness of the Directive Supporting one another is essential for ultimate success.
Communication methodology, you can cultivate
environments that cause you and others to be more
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