Page 31 - Sept Oct Issue
P. 31
Elite Investigative Journal
The Cycle of Correction in New York State Politics, pg 31-39
©2014-2015 Press Enter Resolve, LLC
The Cycle of Corruption in

New York State Politics

By Jonathan H. Tisk

Photo Courtesy of Jonathan H. Tisk
The Chinese Scholar and Philosopher, Confucius, once wrote, “If you lead the people with correctness, who
will dare not be correct?

I have a feeling if he was alive today, he’d scratch his head in wonder at how we have quite a few non-correct
thinking politicians in American society. Especially in New York State. New York State has been plagued by
political corruption for so long, it’s almost a tragic joke. From former NYS Comptroller, Alan Hevesi, who
was convicted of embezzling $30,000,000.00 from the New York State Employee Retirement Fund in 2006, to
former Majority Leader of the NYS Senate, Joseph Bruno, who was convicted of two counts of wire and mail
fraud in 2009, but was overturned on appeal, to the infamous “Client #9”, former Governor Eliot Spitzer, who
resigned in disgrace after being caught up in a sting of the Emperor’s Club Prostitution Ring.

Yes, New York State has had more than its fair share of corrupt politicians. However, the most recent instance
of political corruption in the State Capitol is the most egregious thus far.

NYS Governor Andrew Cuomo and the Moreland Commission

Photo Courtesy of the New York Post

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