Page 35 - Sept Oct Issue
P. 35
The Cycle of Correction in New York State Politics
In May of 2009, Preet Bharara became the U.S Attorney for the Southern District of New York. As a U.S.
Attorney, he was very eager to work with the Moreland Commission, as his ofice has prosecuted a series of
cases against corrupt NYS Lawmakers. Mr. Bharara was very vocal in his rebuke of Cuomo’s shutting down
the Commission. He wasted no time in having his investigative staff seize and cart off all of the Commission’s
iles, and issued an order for the Governor to preserve all records related to his involvement with the Panel. In
a radio interview on WNYC Radio in July of 2014, Mr. Bharara commented on how ironic it was that his ofice
had to investigate the shutting down of the Moreland Commission, which was created solely to investigate State
public corruption, because of political expediency on the Governor’s part.

Andrew Cuomo Covering His Bases

Photo Courtesy of the New York Post
Shortly after U.S. Attorney Bharara boxed up all documents from the Moreland Commission, Governor Cuomo
was reported to be giving himself some serious cover. He was reported as giving cushy NYS promotions and
upper executive jobs to quite a few of the Directors of the now defunct panel. Just one example, as documented
in the New York Post on July 30, 2014, was the appointment of former Moreland co-chair, Regina Calcaterra
to the New York State Insurance Fund. It was reported that Ms. Calcaterra would receive a $175,000.00 a year
salary to head up the NYSIF. It was reported by the Post that Federal Investigators are looking at Ms. Caca-
terra’s role in the Moreland Commission, believing that she was the mole for the Governor’s Ofice that set the
ball in motion for Executive interference into their “independent”

When it became known in inner circles that former members of the Moreland Commission by the Cuomo Ad-
ministration were being given cushy jobs or told to stay silent, U.S. Attorney Bharara threatened to ile charges
against the Governor’s Ofice for witness tampering and obstruction of justice. It was reported to the New York
Post that a number of the Commissioners of the panel were contacted by intermediators of the Governor’s Of-
ice that may have tampered with their recollections of the facts. For further reading, please check out the July
30, 2014 edition of the New York Post at

Side-Note: Where the Heck is the NYS Attorney General?

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