Page 36 - Sept Oct Issue
P. 36
The Cycle of Correction in New York State Politics

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In the wake of all this stuff exploding in Governor Cuomo’s face…where the heck is the New York State
Attorney General? Eric Schneiderman has never been shy to get in front of the news camera before regarding
any case his ofice has tackled, (like the running joke that the most dangerous place to be in the world is to be
in between AG Schneiderman and a news camera), but when asked about the issues Governor Cuomo is facing,
he wouldn’t make any comment regarding corruption in NYS politics, nor would he comment on U.S. Attorney
Bharara’s investigation into the Moreland Commission. Personally, I ind this to be akin to an ostrich sticking
its head in the sand. Being that AG Schneiderman appointed more than a third of the people to the Moreland
Commission, and later deputized the entire panel so they could exercise subpoena power, I’m surprised he
didn’t have any skin in the game after the implosion of the panel. To his credit, he did very vaguely state that
he was cooperating with Preet Bharara in his investigation, but the credit I afford him is more than he probably

In July of 2015, Andrew Cuomo gave AG Schneiderman some very signiicant new legal powers. As reported

“When Governor Andrew Cuomo signed an executive order on July 8 giving Attorney General
Eric Schneiderman the authority to investigate police killings of unarmed civilians, he did
something he rarely does: he empowered a rival. In doing so, Cuomo made clear that the results
of the order would be up to the AG’s ofice, thus alleviating some of the pressure on himself to
address what he has called a “crisis of conidence” in the criminal justice system, especially
in communities of color….. Now, things have changed drastically in the Cuomo-Schneiderman
dynamic. Schneiderman has quieted his rhetoric on reform and a number of insiders tell
Gotham Gazette the AG has insisted to them that he will not run for governor if Cuomo seeks a

third term in 2018.”

Although I’m not overly cynical, I wonder how cooperative AG Schneiderman has been with the U.S.
Department of Justice regarding the Moreland Commission investigation after this new event.

Slim Cuomo Victory in 2014 Election Cycle

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