Page 37 - Sept Oct Issue
P. 37
The Cycle of Correction in New York State Politics

Photo Courtesy of
Amazingly, Governor Cuomo won his re-election bid in the 2014 Cycle against Challenger, Rob Astorino,
albeit, it wasn’t a landslide victory for Cuomo. According to polls taken during the election cycle, Cuomo
maintained a healthy lead over Astorino even though there was a 90% disapproval rating among NYS residents
of how Cuomo handled the entire Moreland Commission from beginning to end.

Happy New Year! You’re Busted! From rioting after sporting events, to volcanic eruptions,
herds of human will fragment into packs of “wild dogs” bent on instinctive satiation. Gangs of thugs will take
advantage of every situation conducive to their hedonistic needs.

Photo of former NYS Senator Dean Skelos courtesy of The Albany Project

Governor Cuomo had no time to enjoy his election victory before U.S. Attorney Bharara ired two massive
legal shots across Andrew Cuomo’s bow. He irst iled criminal charges against Former Speaker of the NYS
Assembly, Sheldon Silver, for allegedly earning a very lucrative income outside of government service
fraudulently, and that he has amassed roughly $4 million in bribes and kickbacks from real estate developers
and other business groups. According to a New York Times article published in January of 2015, he was also

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