Page 38 - Sept Oct Issue
P. 38
The Cycle of Correction in New York State Politics

Photo of Speaker of the NYS Assembly, Sheldon Silver courtesy of The Albany Project

accused of funneling State Grants to a doctor who referred asbestos claims to a law irm that employed Mr.
Silver while he was Speaker of the Assembly, and paid him massive kickback fees for the “favor”.

These charges sent Albany into such a tizzy. Mr. Silver has been a powerhouse in the NYS Democratic Party
and has been the Speaker since 1994. He was the most powerful Democratic politician in New York State, but
more importantly, he was a key ally of Governor Cuomo, and instrumental in having his way with the New
York Senate. U.S. Attorney Bharara stated that this prosecution was made possible by the investigative work
originally done by the Moreland Commission before it was shut down prematurely by Governor Cuomo. He
also made some remarks about this case, stating that, “The charges against him, (Speaker Silver), go to the
very core of what ails Albany.” Mr. Bharara also ominously stated that more public corruption cases will be
prosecuted and made public in the very near future. The full article can be found at

In May of 2015, the second shot was ired. U.S. Attorney Bharara iled criminal charges against the former
Senate Majority Leader, Dean Skelos and his son Adam Skelos. He charged both men with Capitol Corruption
charges, stating that the powerful Republican Speaker used his inluence in politics to secure roughly
$320,000.00 for his son from real estate companies, medical malpractice irms and other large businesses,
threatening them with government actions and severe punishment if they don’t “pay to play”. This was another
shot at Governor Cuomo because even though Skelos was a Republican, he was also instrumental in pursuing
Governor Cuomo’s legislative goals. Skelos was also investigated briely by the Moreland Commission before
they were shut down. The entire article can be found at

On a Roll

Shortly after the arrests of Dean and Adam Skelos, U.S. Attorney Bharara revealed that his ofice was in the
process of indicting a person named Anthony Bonomo, who is a top Cuomo contributor whom the Governor
made the Chairman of the New York Racing Commission. Bonomo allegedly gave Dean Skelos’ son, Adam, a
very lucrative no-show job with the private company he runs called Physicians Reciprocal Insurers, (PRI), as a
“favor” to Andrew Cuomo. Bonomo was reported as cooperating with U.S. Attorney Bharara’s investigation,
as well as other witnesses from PRI and other businesses that have been linked to the criminal charges
madeagainst Silver and Skelos. The New York Post reported that Albany insiders have anonymously stated that
Governor Cuomo is increasingly agitated over the criminal charges made against Silver and Skelos and is

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