Page 39 - Sept Oct Issue
P. 39
The Cycle of Correction in New York State Politics
desperately clinging to power. This article can be found at

No End in Sight

As of this date in September of 2015, there has been no signiicant news regarding Andrew Cuomo, the
Moreland Commission or the ongoing investigation that Mr. Bharara’s ofice has been conducting. I was truly
hoping that I’d end this article with Governor Cuomo being locked up and being forced out of ofice, but all the
news to date has been mainly luff.

I started writing this article with a quote from Confucius, and I’d like to end this article by paraphrasing a
question he wrote in the Book of Jen:

Is it so wrong to demand moral behavior from our leaders?

My answer is no, it’s not wrong. For too long, New York State politics has been plagued by bad behavior by
our elected oficials who are getting stinking rich by abusing our trust, and laughing all the way to the bank at
our expense. But by far, the most ridiculous event in NYS politics is the creation of a Moreland Commission,
supposedly created to combat public corruption, being hampered, stymied and eventually shut down by the
Governor because they might have gotten too close to his alleged dirty deals. I may not be an overall fan of
Federal oversight, but so far, I am pleased that U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara picked up the ball after Governor
Cuomo fumbled it. Hopefully we as residents of New York State will demand total accountability from the
people we elect into ofice and the weed of public corruption will be yanked up by its roots.

Jonathan H. Tisk is a licensed Private Investigator in New York State.
Please visit for more information or contact him at
(516) 314-8944 or

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