Page 28 - Sept Oct Issue
P. 28
The Psychology of Leadership
There are 4 primary “Brain Processors” that interpret Controlling your primary postures: Warrior, Child,
the world in very different ways. A “Colored Brain” Lover, and Emperor, will allow you to command the
perception is like looking though colored glasses. A suitable energy to affect others on an emotional level
leader, who can remove his colored glasses, can see with greater effectiveness.
past his own perceptions and bring out the best in
others who process differently. Identifying postures on others will give you greater
power to inluence and inspire the best in them.
To discover what colored glasses you are wearing
with the Colored Brain Communication Inventory 6. Map your world
Each workplace has deined areas that create your “Work
4. Stop Need Sucking Process” these could be for example: Meetings, Working
Alone, Working in Teams, Directing others or being
When we are in charge of others (and sometimes Directed, Social Elements of Work.
when not), we unconsciously make decisions that
leave others questioning our motives or are left By deining our motivations, frustrations, processes, and
unfulilled in their jobs or tasks. This is because the importance we assign to each, we can clearly deine
each person has speciic emotional needs and our expectation and determine, by comparison to others,
gratiications that doing or completing a task if they are realistic.
provides. When someone takes those gratiications
away (even accidentally) this is “Need Sucking”. When our “World of Work” is mapped, it becomes
easier to navigate through the emotional turbulence of
To stop Need Sucking, leaders must take care not to leadership to smoother sailing and greater effectiveness
take too much of the following emotional needs from as an inspiring leader who is prepared for anything.
a group:
7. Align your Values to the Environment you would
i. Control or security (the less control one has, the create
less secure)
As an individual, you have speciic values; these values
ii. Recognition or signiicance are relected in your leadership.

iii. Diversity in tasks or job Do you know what these values are? Are there any
differences between your personal values and your
iv. Sense of completion or achievement (let people leadership values?
As a leader, your success will come from cultivating an
The more of these emotional gratiications a leader environment conducive to your vision, and to inspire that
takes for themselves, the less there is for everyone environment to enthusiastically participate in that vision.
else, translating to less fulillment. To achieve this, your values as a leader MUST relect the
values of that the environment that will create the vision
5. Command your Leadership Postures
The values aligned with the vision alone is NOT enough;
Postures are the connection between Body and Mind identify what the diverse people in your organization
that inluence our moods. We are constantly using need to “FEEL” for inspiration to take place?
Postures without realizing it and they are affecting
our emotions, our focus, and the type of inluence we What values do you need to change to make those
have over others. feelings happen?

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