Page 24 - Sept Oct Issue
P. 24
Social Survival Tactics in a Devolving Society
preparing and practicing the mindset, is to engage your day with the self-assurance to overcome adverse
conditions. Winning over the obstacles, prevailing above the confrontations and conquering the miscalculations,
has an initial starting point with attitudinal effectiveness.

From there, within the vast realms in the primacy of thinking, we must insist upon a sensible capacity to behave
rationally. Keep in mind most people do not behave in rational ways. Irrationality with the support of fallacies
of inference is part of the characteristics of magical thinking. They relegate their choices to primal levels of
personal gratiication. When things get bad and conditions deteriorate, many will devolve more rapidly to states
of very foolish “anti-thinking”. The situation might be as simple as a rainstorm. Ever watch people drive during
such conditions? Fearfully, people in groups become like sheep or cattle and stampede.

That’s because they’re lazy, rely on superstitions, want to see magical solutions, remain unevolved and childish,
and think at the lowest common denominator. Make no mistake, human stupidity grows with each passing day.
Yeah, that sure sounds dismal, as an outlook on human beings. Yes, in fact it is very sad. Well, if people react
badly during storm conditions, how do you think they will act when social mechanisms breakdown? You might
be completely on your own with the advent of a catastrophe. Social survival tactics in a devolving society is

Randy Gonzalez has been an active member of the criminal justice ield for the past 39 years. He has been
a police oficer, deputy sheriff, and police instructor, as well as a private detective. Dr. Gonzalez has been a
former police chief and police academy director, and serves as a professor of criminology on the faculty of a
major private university. Dr. Gonzalez holds B.A. and M.A. degrees in Criminology, an M.P.A. degree in Public
Administration, a Ph.D. in Philosophy.

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