Page 20 - Sept Oct Issue
P. 20
Social Survival Tactics in a Devolving Society
metaphor and misuse of analogy, often aid the devolution. While some claim to “expose” the secrecy
deception. Ruse is commonplace today. Whether of government conspiracies, corporate corruptions, or
in print, on the internet or television, analytic cultic collusions, they confuse their objectives with their
application of facts is not as sexy. Instead, “talking goals of personal aggrandizement and self-indulgence.
heads” prefer emotionally charged expressions. As a result, not much changes, as people do not change
Metaphors by attempts at clever story telling very much and never will. A few will make an effort,
deceive the true nature of most news reporting. Such and these are among those who may likely survive
postulations cling persistently to the subjectivity increasingly adverse conditions.
of conirmation bias. The primordial simplicity
that someone has said everything has an answer, Immediate gratiication, from basic primordial ixations,
and there is a quick ix solution, should come as cloaks the reality of rational efforts, to change oneself
little comfort. We should be very skeptical. In a by individual strength of liberation. Superstition abound
time of supposed enlightenment and technological as answers are seek amazingly misguided and foolish
innovation, the reach of extreme ideologies has directions. By the contrivances of many intentional
increased signiicantly. From alien abductions to sources of supericiality, entire population groups fail to
global conspiracies, magical thinking unfolds. separate the light from the darkness of faulty thinking.
Mental illness has become widespread, along with They remain satisied with the mundane, the trivial
supernatural ideologies. and the immature, to satiate their status quo. To isolate
intelligent illumination from the simplicity of less
Myths, magic and mysticism abound in divergent than average assumptions requires diligent vigilance
spheres of social interaction. Thinking processes of mental acuity. However, many callously accept
for profound, fact driven and unifying societal any interpersonal communication at face value and as
interactivity are shrinking. In adverse circumstances, authority without question.
situations alter abruptly to matters of basic
survival. Not many can be trusted to be self-reliant, From one skilled calculation to another, some
competently prepared and empathically communal, seek to dominate the many through the power of
all at one time when chaos ensues. One’s true inner commercialization and complicity of globalization.
self reveals its darkness when things get bad. In a Focus on money, success, fame and fortunate,
crisis, the conditions degrade rapidly. Crowds panic notoriety and status permeate the infotainment world.
and groups reduce themselves to baser needs of The fringes of excess may only be the beginning of
primeval existence. People feed on their fears, which worse experiences yet to come. To this intricacy of
have been manifesting inside due to their particular materialistic obsession, the many willingly invite the
psychological issues. Malevolence easily comes out. myriad distractions that buffer creative insights, stile
Regardless, change is challenging and most people independence of thought, and detract from freedom of
do not like change to interfere with their “normal inventive progressions.
regular” routine of daily habits. If one considers the
psycho-dynamics of a dysfunctional society, then Entire social, economic and political institutions process
vigilance and proper preparation remain essential. an assembly line of seductive conformity. A majority of
Applying strenuous effort, one travels a quest for the leeced lock will not resist the temptations to regress
an intuitive understanding of oneself. This means further. Regressive acquiescence of psychodynamic
learning and growing in maturity in self-evolution. abilities follows tediously, as well as tenaciously, in
pursuit of shallow self-indulgence. As people turn
Through the complexity of selishly aggressive against the very nature of their creativity, they devolve
tendencies, coupled with exploitation of human and in their thinking capabilities. People commit destructive
material resources, inclinations suggest the eventual acts against others and do things that destroy human
demise of human beings. As thinking processes of transformational processes. Essential to survivability is
the many delude to the primal instigation of mythic maturity on such a scale that understanding transmutes
misguidance, illicit proclivities suggest continued into wisdom of consciously profound ascension.
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