Page 19 - Sept Oct Issue
P. 19
Social Survival Tactics in a Devolving Society
tomorrow. To relish in what you do not have to worry about is
welcomed in facing what you might lose. Many will
Should “Armageddon” happen, traditional structures suffer much and grieve their material losses, comforts
of law and order will disappear. Living from day and luxuries they took for granted. That which is the
to day will be a continuous encounter with deadly prideful satiation for extravagant prurience becomes the
possibilities. How you think and respond become curse of primal devolution when it disappears. When
matters of how mature your thinking processes the world around us suddenly changes, anxiety is likely
have evolved. Self-survival strategies relate to the to stress adversely the consciousness of any pretext to
conidence you have to take charge of your situation. civility. Survival in a post-apocalyptic environment
Emotional shortcomings have a way of adversely demands a conidently balanced mindset. Why not now
affecting rational creativity. Stressful feelings, begin to practice a more tactical, albeit scaled down,
fueled by the intensity of the situation, stile the increasingly disciplined lifestyle?
ability to improvise and adapt. Applying rigorous
psychodynamic control for self-suficiency often Many will resist any effort to make newer, wiser and
defy those who are less skilled. more frugal transitions. But, if you want to be prepared,
then you have to change yourself from the inside out.
The basic rule of ive P’s should guide the continuum With a healthy sense of skepticism about the human
of thoughtful anticipation of probable obstacles, species, you will institute your social survival training
threats and dangers. That is, proper planning program. The vast majority will not learn to do that.
prevents poor performance. Well, at least that’s the They will remain within the context of “high school”
early warning expectation. Nothing is ever foolproof. thinking for the sake of simplistic reactivity.
No such thing as any “fail safe” system, except
the systems that fail. There will always be quirks, Painful tension aggravates the senses when one is
distractions and unexpected surprises. But, you must required to control the supericiality for immediate
remain as alert as possible. You can do what you gratiication. Hedonistic proclivities are much more
think is necessary, and work with what is available. pleasurable in satiating the emotionalism of primal
Obviously, your tactics are inluenced by what’s needs. Nonetheless, effective tactics, based on logically
readily at hand. And, your strategy is affected by deductive rationality, require a high degree of self-
the resources you can muster. To that, you add your discipline.
particular skill set and do the best you can, gather
information and be creative. Unfortunately, many do not want the responsibility of
being mentally well equipped or well trained. Instead,
Practical, differentiated and personally coordinated emotions drive fallacies for hasty generalizations.
rational behavior is up to you. Emotive feel good In feelings over logic social landscapes, interactions
attention getting behaviors are counterproductive. become problematic and social policy breaks down
You can’t act like a whining, sniveling malcontented to primal reactivity. Foolish thinking acquiesces to
child the rest of your life. You have to grow up misconceptions; misconceptions stimulate redirection
sometime. That is of course, if you choose to in sleight of hand diversion to safer places of thinking.
transform in progressively self-evolving ways. Social survival of the psychologically more it becomes
Self-actualization does not result from power and monumental in a world that feeds on victimization. As
privilege or celebrity status. You can be socially humanity continues is downward spiral in devolving
successful and remain stupidly arrogant, devoid of transgressions, people tend to rely more heavily upon
the ravages of wisdom and understanding. Part of the those perceived to be an “authority”. Frequently,
process requires getting over yourself and moving discussions appeal to the assumption that someone
beyond your level of selishness. The arduous believed to know what they are talking about, actually
procedures of learning necessitate actions at your possess accurate information.
Emotive language, liberally animated by colorful
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