Page 13 - January Febuary 2016 Issue
P. 13
Children on the Battleield: A Look into the Use of Child Soldiers in the DRC Conlict

life. Once lost, childhood cannot be regained. Tutsi nephews to death during the Rwandan
Unfortunately this is what conlict does to genocide (apparently his sister had been
children’s’ childhood days. On the whole, married to a Tutsi). The child, then ten,
the long-term effects of conlict are probably reported that ifteen years down the line, he
more devastating than the immediate effects still saw his nephews as vividly as he saw
and this is particularly true for children whose them then asking him “why are you killing us”
mental capacities are still in the earlier stages (Briggs 2005). Such mental suffering becomes

of development. The effects of conlict on too much for children to bear and in some
children have been terrible. Modern conlicts cases it may lead to juvenile delinquency,
have killed and exploited children to such alcohol and substance abuse, depression,
unprecedented levels. During the 1990s alone, social isolation and withdraw and discipline
“more than 2 million children died as a result of problems.
armed conlicts, often deliberately targeted and
murdered” (Machel 2001: 1). Children for their Other consequences of conlicts on children
part have killed, sometimes their own families, concern their social lives. Conlicts deprive
friends and people they once lived with in children of education opportunities. Schools
the same communities. These acts leave an in conlict zones are destroyed, and where
indelible mark on children and may haunt them structures remain intact children are afraid
their entire lives. to go to school for fear of being abducted

or killed. Thus by denying them education,
While the physical suffering that children incur conlict denies children one of the most
through their involvement in conlict cannot be important keys to their adult life. As already
underestimated, the psychological consequences noted, children in Africa, as elsewhere, are
of conlict present a far greater challenge to important future leaders at various levels
children and the decisions they make later and in various walks of life, and thus require
in life. Psychologically, children suffer from a sound education to tackle effectively and
conlict- related trauma, and, because of the eficiently the political, economic and social

horrible acts they have committed, former developmental agendas on the continent.
child soldiers fear retribution and rejection by In the absence of the provision of proper
their societies (Cohn and Goodwin-Gill 1994). education for its children, Africa risks lagging
Feelings of guilt, shame and helplessness further behind in terms of global development.
characterize their life after conlicts. One child
soldier in the DRC reported that every night Conlicts further deprive children of the
visions of all the people he had killed would opportunity of growing up in stable societies
come before him asking why he had done it and proper homes. Under the Convention of
(Briggs 2005). In a related development, a the Rights of the Child, “every child is entitled
child born of a Tutsi mother and Hutu father in to receive such protection and care as is
Rwanda was asked to hack his three necessary for his or her well-being”

2 The DRC conlict is exceptionally complex, with huge numbers of armed groups ighting each other, many of whom
have swapped sidesatsome point since theconlict began.

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