Page 18 - January Febuary 2016 Issue
P. 18
Elite Investigative Journal
Pakistan’s Role in Post-War Afghanistan, pg 18-20
©2014-2016 SYT Global Inc.
Pakistan’s Role in Post-War


by Shaukat Masood Zafar

Photo Courtesy of
Pakistan which shares a long border with and highways caused by heavy NATO trafic
Afghanistan, is highly concerned regarding before the closure of these supplies.
the future of Afghanistan, an epicenter for

war for the last more than one decade. The However U.S is reluctant to accept any such
opportunity that had been opened up with the demand, deadlock persists and Pak-US ties are
toppling of the Taliban had been squandered, continuing to remain unchanged. Without the
for a variety of reasons, not the least of which apology, Pakistan cannot reopen the NATO
was that the American army was too trigger- supply routes into Afghanistan that have been
happy, too ineficient and too ignorant to closed since November. The US, in turn, is
succeed in an endeavor that entailed patient withholding from Pakistan between $1.18
cross-cultural nation-building. billion and $3 billion of promised military
aid. The reopening of NATO supply lines is

Pakistan and India - both nuclear-armed important for the United States military to
nations - have long been bitter enemies. And support troops currently in Afghanistan, but
any increase in India’s support for Afghanistan also to help withdraw tons of weapons and
is likely to worry Pakistan, fueling fears that material out as a major draw down approaches
Islamabad’s inluence on the Afghans’ future in 2014.
could diminish.

Pakistan has been fed up with impossible U.S on the one hand needs Pakistan’s help in

U.S demands and with drone attacks that Afghan issue but on the other hand promoting
kill innocent Pakistani citizens. Pakistan the role of India in Afghanistan and has
had suspended NATO supply routes amid forgotten Pakistan had made unprecedented
the airstrike on the Pakistan army camp in sacriices in the war on terror. The United
Salala that resulted in 24 casualties, and States wants to press Pakistan by reinforcing
lagging Parliament’s guidelines. It wants trilateral relations between the US, India and
drone bombing to cease. It wants an apology Afghanistan and by encouraging India to have
on state level for the killing of its 28 soldiers. a military role in Afghanistan, wants to mount
U.S is not ready to accept it. Pakistan is pressure on Pakistan. India and the United

also genuinely asking US to pay a tax worth States have agreed to hold a trilateral dialogue
$5,000 to it for each supply truck that will with Kabul to support their joint efforts to
cross its border into Afghanistan and to prepare Afghanistan for the post-2014
compensate in terms of damages to the roads

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