Page 19 - January Febuary 2016 Issue
P. 19
Pakistan’s Role in Post-War Afghanistan

scenario when U.S. forces are set to leave. powerful countries, such as the United
Afghanistan and India though don’t share a States or India, in order to increase Kabul’s
direct geographic border, with the assistance autonomy from Islamabad.
of U.S enjoying close ties. India is assisting in
Afghanistan’s reconstruction and strengthening United States and NATO should remember
economic ties; soon going to provide training to Pakistan’s role in the post-withdrawal of
members of the Afghan security forces. NATO and U.S forces after 2014 is very

important for the security and stability
Afghanistan holds strategic importance for of Afghanistan and indeed of the region.

India. It is a gateway to access energy-rich Pakistan has suffered heavy losses both in
Central Asian states such as Turkmenistan terms of lives and the economy as a result of
and Kazakhstan. But the two sides U.S and war on terror. Any progress in Afghanistan
Pakistan have no choice but to deal with each may not be able to produce approaching a
other. If abandoning Afghanistan is dangerous, stable transition in 2014 and beyond unless
abandoning Pakistan would be even more Pakistan is involved in transition process.
so. Not because of that silly proposition that

Pakistani nukes might fall into the wrong hands, The U.S. cannot afford to withdraw
but because Pakistan is sinking deeper into precipitously from Afghanistan and leave the
militant lawlessness and economic breakdown. Taliban once again to ill the void. Washington
Pakistan has rendered huge sacriices in the war must allow conditions on the ground to
against terror and it must be recognized by all. determine the pace of U.S. withdrawal. The
U.S. should also be clear that, even if it is
The consulates opened by India in Herat, not involved in direct combat operations
Mazar-e-Sharif, Jalalabad, and Kandahar, after 2014, it will remain deeply engaged in
are providing cover for Indian intelligence Afghanistan diplomatically and economically
agencies to run covert operations against and with a residual force focused on
Pakistan, as well as foment separatism in counterterrorism operations and providing
Pakistan’s Balochistan province. It is no support and advice to the Afghan security

surprise then that Pakistan sees India’s growing forces.
inluence in Afghanistan as a threat. Pakistan
and Afghanistan relations are tense, partially The tentative understanding reached between
because Pakistan believes Afghanistan and the United States and Pakistan on restoration
India actively work against Islamabad. of the NATO ground lines of communication
through Pakistan and other related matters
Pakistan points to the Afghanistan vote had already been tabled before the Defense
against its accession to the United Nations - Committee of the Cabinet. The Committee has
the only country not to support its inclusion given mandate to Pakistani military in order to

- as evidence of anti-Pakistan sentiment. The negotiate with the NATO and ISAF oficials
Pakistani leadership also aimed to ensure to resolve the issues at border areas in order to
that Afghanistan would not enter into close avoid incidents like Salala in near future. The
geopolitical afiliations with other, more Government has declared restoration of

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