Page 20 - January Febuary 2016 Issue
P. 20
Pakistan’s Role in Post-War Afghanistan
NATO supply in the interests of Pakistan and necessary for pulling out of foreign forces from

Talks are going on between Pakistan and U.S over tendering apology over Salala Check Post. It
is hoped that the issue would be resolved within a day or so but Pakistan must attempt to make
good of huge losses sustained by the nation on account of war on terror. Pakistan must also
ensure its vibrant role in Afghanistan after departure of U,S and its NATO allies.

Is an experienced banker and rural development professional. He is well known freelance
columnist writing for daily Pakistan Observer, and several other national and international
websites and newspapers. Economy, Politics, and Agricultural & Rural Development are
especially areas of his interest.

Photo Courtesy of

Thank you Shaukat Masood Zafar for your article submitted from

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