Page 15 - January Febuary 2016 Issue
P. 15
Children on the Battleield: A Look into the Use of Child Soldiers in the DRC Conlict

of children by Congolese armed forces and where the use of child soldiers is still
security services by signing an Action Plan” rampant. Child soldering therefore remains a
(Child soldiers international 2012). In addition huge challenge for national governments in
some individuals have been convicted of Africa, peacemaking forces and humanitarian
enlisting child soldiers, a familiar case being organizations. Personal and tragic stories
that of Thomas Lubanga who was convicted of child soldiers reveal that transcending
by the International Criminal Court (ICC) their terrible past and building new lives for

in March 2012 (Child Soldiers International themselves is not an easy task. Governments
2012). Such initiatives are also apparent on a in Africa have a duty to protect their citizens,
broader level: especially children; and, while it remains
a major challenge to remove child soldiers
In June 2013 the UN set a goal to have no child from non-government armed forces, the
soldiers anywhere in the world by 2016. There governments must also set a good example
are eight Government armies listed for the by not recruiting children for their own armed
recruitment and use of children and six of them forces. However, the struggle to prevent the
have already committed to making their armies use of children as soldiers should not be left to
child-free. In 2012, South Sudan, Myanmar, national governments alone. To this end, civil
Somalia and the Democratic Republic of Congo society, including human rights organizations
signed action plans with the United Nations. (many of which are already lobbying for

The previous year, Afghanistan and Chad made children rights), should step up their efforts
similar commitments. Discussions initiated in helping governments so as to reduce the
with the Governments of Yemen and Sudan number of children taking part in armed
are expected to lead to action plans in the near conlicts.
future” (Child soldiers international 2012).
This paper has discussed how conlict and
Other notable initiatives by the UN Ofice warfare continue to threaten societies and the
for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs lives of many people in a number of African

(OCHA) include awareness campaigns to countries; most notably in terms of the threat
demobilize child soldiers and have them to children. The after effects of conlict
return to their homes and be re-integrated into on child soldiers have long-term negative
society. While all these plans and actions sound implications both on their physical and
promising, they can only be realized through cognitive development. The paper has further
comprehensive and collaborative efforts by argued that the increased use of children in
government, civil society, and the international African conlicts, and the DRC in particular,
community. is largely due to poor socio-economic
conditions, technological simpliication
Conclusion of modern weaponry, and changes in
contemporary warfare which combine
The child soldier has become a more active to create situations which put children,
player on the battleield than ever before. The vulnerable as they already, are at a
DRC remains one country in Southern Africa

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