Page 14 - January Febuary 2016 Issue
P. 14
Children on the Battleield: A Look into the Use of Child Soldiers in the DRC Conlict

(Cohn and Goodwin-et al 1994: 105-106). In rights. Of particular importance is Article
most cases such protection and care is provided 22(2) which underscores the responsibility
by the family and society to which the child of states to “take all necessary measures to
belongs, but conlict destroys family and ensure that no child shall take a direct part
societal bonds to such an extent that children in hostilities and refrain in particular, from
in conlict zones may never grow up to cherish recruiting any child” (African Union 1999).
the bond and togetherness of family life. By Thus, by virtue of being members of the AU,

not growing up in proper homes and societies, countries are obliged to adhere and respect
children lose out on the cultural values, beliefs the charter. In addition, the AU has also
and morals that govern and shape society and embarked on a number of campaigns to stop
individual life. In these ways conlict affects the recruitment of children. Recently, the
children’s relationships with others in society United Nations-African Union Mission in
and their understanding of life in general. Darfur (UNAMID), for example, launched
a campaign in the Western region of Sudan
Steps being taken to reduce and stop the use of to stop recruitment of children. While this
children in armed conlicts It is encouraging to campaign speciically targets the Darfur
note that African countries and the international region, it is important to note that the message
community are making commendable strides in in this campaign is echoed in all corners of
attempting to put an end to the use of children the continent where the use of children in

in armed conlict. Clearly this problem will not armed conlict has been and still remains
end overnight, but it is of course vital to support rampant. Sub-regional organizations too are
the initiatives put in place to curb this practice. doing their part. For instance, the Southern
A number of positives steps have been take to African Development Community (SADC)
end the child soldier problem, including the has been urging its member states to refrain
ratifying of treaties to protect children’s rights, from recruiting children. In addition, all
and the conviction of individuals involved in SADC member states have ratiied the African
the use of child soldiers (World Movement for Charter on the Rights and Welfare of the Child

Democracy 1999). (ACRWC), the United Nations Convention on
the Rights of the Child as well as the African
The regional body at the continental level in Youth Charter (SADC Action on Orphans,
Africa, the African Union (AU), has taken a Vulnerable Children and Youth). Thus, while
leading role to ensure that children are not the success of such efforts by the AU and
exploited and used as child soldiers (Clarke: other sub-regional bodies such as SADC may
2012). The African Charter on the Rights and not be witnessed overnight, they go a long
Welfare of the Child (ACRWC), which came way in showing the commitment to end the
into beingin 1999, is considered as one of the problem of child soldiers. In the case of DRC,
most important initiatives to curb the child a number of initiatives have been made. For
soldier phenomenon (African Union 1999). instance on 4 October 2012, “the government
The charter calls upon all signatories to ensure of the DRC and the United Nations oficially

maximum protection of children and their committed to ending the recruitment and use

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