Page 16 - Library
P. 16


                                                 Bachelor of Science in Information Technology

                                                                                                   Level III Phase 2
                       3. Library Equipment/Supplies.  The College Library provides a
                       varied range of equipment for use in the library only upon availability

                       of funds.

                       4. Internet Safety and Technology Protection Measures

                       The library enforces routine internet safety and technology protection
               measures. It subscribes to a filtering service from the Computer Laboratory

               Center, which is applied in all access workstation. This filtering service protects

               against those sites that are obscene and pornographic in nature. The library

               prohibits chatting, playing games and downloading files from harmful sites.
                       Users are refrained from:

                              1. Using the workstations to gain access to the library’s network

                              of computer system or to any other network or computer system.
                              2.    Making  any  attempt  to  damage  computer  equipment  or


                              3.  Making any attempt to alter software configurations.

                              4.  Installing, downloading or deleting any software in the library’s

                              5.  Violating  copyright  laws  or  software  licensing  agreements  in

                              their use of library workstation.

                       5.1 The use of the Audio Visual Room must be in a first come, first serve


                       5.2 The user, i.e. students; teachers; department must schedule the

                       utilization of the AVR five (5) days before the actual usage.
                       5.3 The user of the room shall be responsible for the immediate removal

                       and “clean-up” of decoration, props, etc. after the event or program.

                       5.4 The individual or department who is responsible for the event or

                       program take charge of the damage, misuse, deterioration, vandalism,
                       and the theft of any equipment or facilities and if anything happened or

                       destroyed, they shall be required to pay, repair, replace or shoulder the

                       cost of same; refusal to do so and valid investigation shall be subject to
                       disciplinary action or prescribed in the College Code.

                       5.5. The user must at all times be responsible to ensure that all exits

                       must remain unobstructed and accessible to all.

                    “Quality Education for Service”              P a g e  15 | 301
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