Page 21 - Issue 01 - Your Online Business Startup
P. 21

SEO Intro                                                 The SEO provides a great marketing

      There are several different categories                    strategy, whereby it considers how

      that are related to the different targets                 search engines work, and what people

      available such as image search, local                     need, in terms of information, services

      search, video search, academic search,                    etc, and then works towards providing

      news search, and any industry specific                    the relevant information based on its

      vertical search.                                          target audience.

          The SEO is supposed to                                However, there is also a down side to the

             function as a virtual                              SEO known as the black hat SEO. This is

                  search engine,                                really a poisoning tool, also known as

                                                                spamdexing which can lead to problems
              optimizing relevant                               which can sometimes be very serious

           information on behalf                                indeed.

           of a broad client list to

                                                                This is a very serious problem because
          ensure all possible and                               much of today‟s every system functions

            related information is                              on some sort of computerized element

           available at the touch                               and thus can be susceptible to negative

           of a button or the click

                     of a mouse.                                The spamdexing usually tags onto

                                                                keywords, links, or other article spinning
      In the ever fast pace of today‟s business
                                                                to degrade, alter, or corrupt the search.
      world, almost every individual depends
                                                                Certain exercises are usually put in place
      heavily on the internet to source for the
                                                                to detect and remove these negative
      latest information in the shortest
      amount of time possible.
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