Page 23 - Issue 01 - Your Online Business Startup
P. 23
new information either linked directly or When gathering the relevant data for the
indirectly to the subject at hand and requirements of SEO several factors
then compiling this information and should be taken into account such as the
channeling it to the relevant avenues information required by the potential
being sought. individual souring the internet and the
users who really want to have their
The search engine must access the value information or services tailored to the
each page for the words and information individual‟s needs. Though not identical
that appears on it. At its most both side‟s needs have to be addressed
elementary level, the search engine must in order for a successful connection to be
keep track of the contents of each page made.
and record that page as relevant for any
potential search done based on the A lot of relevant information needs to be
keywords it‟s tagged to. decided upon before a posting is
designed. In some instances, the “space”
Thus in order to be fairly completive for shared comments should be provided
each search engine will constantly come if it is deemed necessary for all parties
up with newer ways for weighting the connected to the SEO.
importance or relevance of the
information posted. Perhaps information garnered from the
comments regarding the products sold
or competing product would prove to be
What you Need For SEO useful and relevant.
Some of the areas that can be explored
For software applications and websites
are to create communities of interest,
to be useful to whoever is accessing it,
knowledge sharing, selling of products,
the information prepared and shared
sales of services such as consultancies,
must be made available to all who are
cleaning services, plumbing services,
interested or related to the search. The
financial services, legal services, and
requirements should be as traceable
many others. Creating further brand
elements and functions.
awareness and improving brand